How does a wet dream occur

Health related question in topics Sexual Orientation Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “How does a wet dream occur”,you can compare them.

Wet dreams are believed to happen when the body is not getting release from hormonal buildup of the teen years. ChaCha you later! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How does a wet dream occur
How often do wet dreams occur?
From what I’ve heard and read here, every couple of weeks is about average, from the build-up of semen. Some have them more often. If you masturbate often, you usually don’t have them at all (if you’re lucky, your brain will give you a free…
Why do wet dreams occur?
Sexual excitement from dreams or by physical stimuli like rubbing against pajamas or a full bladder. When boys enter puberty a variety of changes occur. These changes will result in many, but not all boys experiencing episodes of embarrassi…
Why does wet dream occur?
Wet dreams are normal, they are believed to happen when the body is not getting release from the hormonal build up of the teen years or sudden “dry spells” in sexually active individuals. Girls do get wet dreams, but they are far …

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How often do wet dreams occur if you do not masturbate?
Q: Speed is appreciated, answer closes to average will get best answerI don’t masturbate at all.I know how it works, but NEED TO KNOW HOW OFTEN
A: If you never masturbate before.Then you are slower in puberty.If you just stopped masturbating.You will have Wet Dreams about 1 month later.
Why does wet dreams occur?
Q: boy of 14.
A: Wet dreams occur because of a phase in a male’s life called spermarche. spermarche signifies that a male is close of sexual maturity and a wet dream is a signal that spermarche is happening. spermarche is the male’s equivalent to the female’s is menarche.
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