How do you measure levels of stress

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “How do you measure levels of stress”,you can compare them.

Taking a test usually is the method used to measure levels of stress. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you measure levels of stress
Is it possible to measure stress levels with the “Person Ana…?
The original theory of the D.I.S.C. system was not specifically designed to measure stress, but it is possible to draw some conclusions about the level of stress from the three graphs that the results create. The D.I.S.C. results can certai…
How to Measure Co2 Levels Caused by Mental Stress?
・ 1 Advise the patient to avoid taking any drugs or medications. Otherwise, it may interfere with the results… ・ 2 Lay the patient’s arm on a flat surface and try to feel for the vein. Look for a good spot in the inner… ・ 3 Use an antis…
What Is Your Stress Level? – What does this tool measure??
Click here to find out your stress level Although everyone responds differently, major life changes are some of the biggest causes of stress, both positive and negative. This interactive tool gauges your stress level based on the number of …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What would be the easiest, cheapest way for me to measure stress levels for my science experiment?
Q: Stress causes the brain to siganl the release of stress hormones, one of which being adrenaline/epinephrine. Adrenaline increases heart rate as part of the ‘fight or flight’ responce to stress. Would the easiest and cheapest way for me to measure stress be to measure heart rate? What device would i need? Where would i get the device, how much would it cost, etc.?Thank you!if it helps, I’m testing how different sounds affect the stress levels in humans.
A: Take the pulse rate. Place three fingers gently on the front of the thumb side of the wrist just before the hand and count for thirty seconds.
What single – and simple physiological measure depicts stress levels.?
Q: I’m writing an experiement for stats class, and they will only let me use one measure….I was thinking either heart rate or blood gas….there are methodological complications with each – but…..any other suggestions?its a pretend experiment….I can do whatever I want to my pretend subjects – as long as I have only one number when its all done ;)Thanks
A: Heart rate should be the best. Just make sure and get a reading when the person is at rest so you have a comparison.
can you mention some scales and other tools to measure stress level ?
A: they measure only qualitatively.
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