How do you manipulate your dreams

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All it takes to develop dream control is patience. Pick an action, any action that will serve as a trigger. Make it simple…MORE? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you manipulate your dreams
How can you manipulate your dreams?
Yes I can! I start dreaming about something and I will semi wake up (like half awake half asleep) and start thinking about a nice way to continue the dream, or a nice conclusion, twist, etc. I will go back to full unconsciousness and the dr…
Can you manipulate dreams?
Absolutely! The art is called Lucid Dreaming. There are many ways to initiate lucid dreams. This website has different steps to initiating a lucid dream. Also, you may be interested in the movie “Waki…
How do u manipulate your dreams?
Jolly Says: January 9th, 2007 at 6:35 am Good question. I don’t know how you’d do it with no forethought while actually “in” the dream, but I do know that you can affect the dream if it is a recurring one. Without going into detail, I knew …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How can you manipulate your dreams?
Q: Like for example, my friends say that they get certain dreams after eating certain items. Can you manipulate your dreams?
A: Yes I can! I start dreaming about something and I will semi wake up (like half awake half asleep) and start thinking about a nice way to continue the dream, or a nice conclusion, twist, etc. I will go back to full unconsciousness and the dream will go the way I want it to. This often happens during the climax of a dream or when I need a desired outcome! I couldn’t do this when I was younger but in my 30’s and 40’s I started to having control over my dreams. Also whenever I am in any kind of trouble, i can always fly out of danger. Somehow my conscious and subconsious got better linked and I can avoid nightmares, and negative dreams (where you wake up screaming, scared, or upset) about the bad dream!
Can You Manipulate Your Dreams?
Q: I had heard that as you go to sleep say “I will dream about__” and you will dream that. I have never been successful at that.Do you have any methods whereby you can manipulate your dreams?
A: Hi,Being able to ‘manipulate’ dreams is called ‘lucid dreaming.’ It’s an actual phenomenon and lots of studies have been done on its effects and how to achieve it. If you want more information, check out the Institute for Lucid Dreaming at They have techniques and technology which can aid you in being able to go lucid, like the NovaDreamer Mask.It is important to note that these people are scientists, and do not deal in any new age nonsense like you’ll find on here.
How do u manipulate your dreams?
Q: Lets say you’re having a bad dream an u dont want to be dreaming about whatever, how do u change what you’re dreaming while you’re in the dream
A: Its called Lucid Dreaming… look it up
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