How do you get rid of emotions

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “How do you get rid of emotions”,you can compare them.

You can try to get rid of emotions and initially you can come to peace. But it has only a temporary effect and they will return! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you get rid of emotions
How to get rid of emotions?
You can control your emotions, but you can’t completely get rid of them to the point that you can’t have them anymore by any possible means. Also this question was already asked (by “1 kidney boy”) and answered. The reason why col…
Why is that a problem? Isn’t it natural to want to get rid of dis…?
Yes it’s natural, but it’s a really bad idea. Disturbing emotions like anxiety and depression are not something we should be trying to get rid of but something we should be paying attention to and trying to learn from. They are emotional wa…
What would happen if you got rid of all of your Negative Emotions…?
Let’s just say, for example, that you got rid of Anger and Sadness and Fear , or maybe you got rid of Hurt and Guilt too … all the Negative Emotions that plague you . What if you just got rid of them – all? What if they totally disappe…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How do you get rid of emotions?
Q: I have emotions i don’t need and want to get rid of them how do i do it?
A: You go emo.
Are there any good ways of getting rid of negative emotions quickly?
Q: Please don’t say booze or get laid because booze is not healthy, and when you’re in a bad mood you don’t want to get laid. For example, after you have a heated argument with your significant other, getting laid is not an option. What other good ways are there to get rid of negative emotions quickly?Also, don’t mention “play with yourself” because when you’re in a really bad mood, you don’t want to play with yourself.
A: Exercise is an excellent way to physically express negative, penned up emotions. Writing, music, and art represent additional methods of emotional release that some people find helpful. Still others find a good cry or screaming into a pillow to be cathartic.
How to get rid of unhealthy emotions?
Q: I feel insecure and frustrated when i find others better than me in something that i love to do. I hate to admit this but, the insecurity and frustration is more when i find its a women who is better than me in the things that i am good at. However i never abuse or harm them but that feeling is so depressing and it develops some kind of vindictive attitude. I wanted to know how to get rid of such emotions? And i would also like to know how to evade negative influence of unavoidable people?
A: Firstly, when it comes to any emotion especially negative ones, you must accept the fact that you feel this way. Never be ashamed for what you feel. After that part is established, then you can focus on bettering yourself by allowing your actions to become opposite channels for what you feel.-Start by Examining Why You Feel the Way You Do Even if you do not know exactly where it stems from, the emotion itself can get you to think about the positive and negative responses you can willingly act out in order to purge the frustration. In this case, take extra time to be patient and not allow the negative actions to creep into your mind or you behavior.-Change You MindsetJust realize that just because someone achieved something higher than you (whether it is man or woman) it does not mean that you can’t get better, and in reality, it just gives you a reason to step your game up.In relation to this, always remember this universal truth:It is far more progressive to compete with yourself and not compare yourself to others who are separate from what you claim as your highest potential.Lastly, Avoiding Negative Influence from Unavoidable People:Again, keep a firm mind set that affirms that you will not stray from making the right choices for yourself. Think about the long-term benefits and not just the satisfaction that comes from any immediate negative behavior.If the people you are hanging around don’t support your will to change, then you probably need to take a bit of time away from them in whatever way you can. It takes a certain amount of maturity to assert who you are and who you want to become (for the better) without allowing others to influence you otherwise.
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