How do I stop self injuring

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “How do I stop self injuring”,you can compare them.

One can contact 800-366-8288 to speak with someone regarding cutting and self injuring. There is someone to talk to at all times. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do I stop self injuring
our guest speaker, is an expert on the treatment of self-injury. She is the clinical director of SAFE (Self Abuse Finally Ends) Alternatives. She is the author of the book ” Bodily Harm: The Breakthrough Healing Program for Self-Injure…
To change your behavior, you must first change your mind. Your behavior is an attempt to feel unique. But cutting is a natural reaction to your situation. ・ 1. Love yourself. Realize that you are valuable regardless of the opinions of other…
The more you understand your need to injure yourself, the more likely you are to be able to make choices and look after yourself. Talking to a friend or relative about your feelings and self-injury may help, but choose carefully who to tell…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

HOw do you stop self injuring when your doctor says its okay to slip up?
Q: my doctor told me it was okay to slip up every once in a while. well i take advantage of that. so how do i stop?
A: F**k the doctor. You need to make yourself to stop. Cutting is an addiction. every time you cut you find yourself temporarily released from the everyday world, into the realms of bliss. feeling pain on the outside, which is as vibrant as the pain on the inside becomes a drug, & quickly you get hooked. the best way to stop is to distract yourself, & continuously tell yourself not to cut.
How do i stop self injuring my self, and stop my anorexia, and bulimia?
Q: idk y… but after i spend a lot of time without eating i eat and i cant stop and then i feel guilty and make myself vomit, and after that feel even worse and cut myself… i just cant help it… i cant give up! and i want to stop… so how can i stop this?thankshow can i stop without therapy or telling anyone?
A: I used to cut, and I went from bulimia to anorexia and back again. I understand. I really would suggest therapy. It really helped me learn to deal with the underlying issues (I was sexually abused) that caused my stress (which, in turn, caused me to mutilate myself). I also talked with my parents and friends, and they were very supportive and helped me. I wish you the best of luck…if you need someone to talk to, email me. [email protected]
How do people stop self injuring themselves?
Q: im in psychology class and we are learning about ways to recover from addictions and methods of quitting habits.
A: Change their frame of mind; get out of whatever miserable situation that is causing the behavior.
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