How do I motivate myself

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “How do I motivate myself”,you can compare them.

You can motivate yourself by keeping your confidence high. Maintain good posture and reward yourself for success. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do I motivate myself
You could set yourself a treat at the end of a session of revision. Why not prolong that chocolate, trip to the shops or going on facebook until you have done a specified amount of revision. Then, when you do those things, it will be so muc…
Do you ever lie in bed and contemplate your upcoming workday? You think, “I’m going to call that new customer after I have my first cup of coffee.” Then you decide the call can wait, and you hit the snooze button a few more times…
It’s easier to do a big job if you try to divide it up into smaller parts. If it is your room you are wanting to conquer, then just do something like this:・ 1. First, concentrate on the clothes…make sure they are hung up or put in drawers…

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Q: I have possibly the biggest exam(s) that I will ever have to take in my life coming up very soon, and I cannot motivate myself to study enough. Over the last few weeks I have been studying a little, but nowhere near as much as I should be.What would be the best way to go around motivating myself to study? I know that I have to study, I just cannot bring myself to actually do it for long enough.
A: Perhaps it would help to first find out what your learning style is. If you don’t know, check out the site below. Once you know what your learning style is, studying should come easier and be more of luck with your exams. Thanks for using Yahoo! Answers:)
How do I motivate myself to write my essays?
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A: Give yourself a treat every time you finish a page. 1 page completed = one kit kat bar (or something else)
How do I motivate myself to work hard and achieve my goals for the next four high school years?
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A: If you really want to be motivated, try this experiment. Get a job bagging groceries or working at a fast food place (preferably with the deep fryer). Then only by your clothes at Goodwill or a second hand store. No cell phone, no cd’s or dvd’s, and no car. This is only a start of what your life can be like without an education.My brother-in-law did this with his daughter for a month or so. She quickly learned what she didn’t want for her future. Good luck.
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