How can you tell if your becoming insane

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “How can you tell if your becoming insane”,you can compare them.

Increased energy, Elevated mood, Suspicious mood are more symptoms of becoming insane. Thank you for using ChaCha. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How can you tell if your becoming insane
I don’t remember what happened I didn’t even notice what stung me Everything spins like a carousel Madness travels across my skin
How do i stay happy without becoming insane from being alone??
Become arrogant. Find flaws in people and refuse to associate with them because of it. Choose to be alone. And spend a lot of time on the internet, getting a bad substitute for social interaction. Hang out here. Go check out the R&S sec…
Does the fact that I have developed a slight eye twitch solidify …?
oh i hate when i get that…then you are paranoid that everyone notices. Just start drooling, no one will notice the twitch.

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How do you tell your parents about something that you know will hurt them?
Q: I’m having a lot of problems with my parents right now as far as my life goes. They hold me to certain standards and they want me to fit their mold. I’m in the process of looking for colleges right now, and my parents and grandparents won’t even let me go more than 12 hours away. Which creates a minor problem because I want to go to college as an international student. They also are against interracial relationships, and I happen to be in one right now. They just don’t know about it.I’m tired of having to hide these things from my parents and want to tell them very badly and be completely open with them. But I know that they will not improve and go completely insane and become strict with me as far as where I go. And that they’ll try to control where I go to college even more.So any suggestions on what I should do? I asked my mother today what she would think if I went to college in another country, and she said “then you would be on your own.” =/
A: Either you can obey your parents or you can move out and be on your own, although I don’t think you will be all on your own. I think your family loves you very much and will miss you. I’m sure that they just want the very best for their little girl and it is hard for them to let you go. With that said, I know they will still help you financially if you need it. You just have to stand up for what you believe in. Let them know how much it means to you to have independence.Make your own choices and stick to it. Hopefully, you are not just being rebellious towards your parents with the boyfriend you are seeing because they are not allowing you to attend the college you want to go to. If not, then good for you…I think that if you really want to be independent and show them that you are responsible, then get yourself a college loan and go where you wish. -Good luck.
I’m studying to become a psychiatrist, but my notes tell me I’m insane. How do I help the ‘sick’ if I am also?
A: When one thinks like this the question is ….Whom amongst us is fully sane ……………can’t see any hands up yetsecond question is ….whats fully sane mean .a colleague once said to me …you know we are all walking around in the dark bumping into lampposts …..I liked that
i won’t becoming insane…?
Q: tell me why i’m changing again…& explain me the reason i’m so much in pain..pleaz….i wont get insane!i’m not really crazy…(in medical terms..)i’m not alcohol or drug intoxicated i express only the common sense of unconsciousness
A: we love you
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