How can you remember what you dream

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “How can you remember what you dream”,you can compare them.

Getting plenty of sleep is the first step to good dream recall. If you are rested it will be easier to focus on recalling dreams. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How can you remember what you dream
Dreams are actually mental representations during a sub-conscious time period. That means that you cannot recall dreams because they were never in your working memory. The only way a dream can be recalled is during the times you dream, but …
・ 1 Read some books about lucid dreaming, especially those from a shamanic perspective (“The Kin of Ata”… ・ 2 Start noticing ‘coincidences’ (synchronicities) in your daily life – perhaps the phone rings when you’re… ・ 3 As you…
・ Make a conscious decision to remember your dreams. You’ve got a better chance of remembering your dreams… ・ Put a pad and pen or pencil within easy reach of your bed. It’s best if it just has plain paper with… ・ Place your alarm clock…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How to remember dreams when you don’t dream?
Q: I honestly do not dream at all and I was wondering if there might be a reason for this. All the little things I’ve seen are about how to remember dreams but when you wake up without knowing your dreams how can you remember them? Any advice would be welcomeI mean I don’t have any recollection of them even immediately after waking up.
A: Well actually the normal person can dream up to 7 or 8 times a night but the ones you remember are the ones that you are in the process of waking up during them. Thats why most people only remember one of their dreams a night because they wake up once. Sometimes I remember my dreams and sometimes I don’t. Hope this helps to clarify that! =]
How do i remember dreams and lucid dream?
Q: Dreams often take you on extrodinary journeys and impossible feats. But the thing is, you don’t realize you are dreaming and you live the dream as if your real life doesn’t exist. And while at the time you are dreaming, the dream can make perfect sense, later on, if the dream is remembered, it tends to not make much sense at all. For instance, in one dream I had, my mother was driving our car. But suddenly she disappears and instantly i knew that i needed to grab the wheel, and somehow, even though i was only about ten at the time of this dream, I knew exactly how to drive the vechile. I rarely ever remember my dreams anymore, and when i do, it is but feelings and brief glimpses of that dream. How do I recall these dreams?Also, how do I control my dreams? I find that when I dream, I am like a spectator because I have no control over what is going on. Sometimes it is like watching a movie, other times it is like I am only the eyes in my body, and someone else is working the rest.
A: Follow my free – how to lucid dream – course and you will soon adventure into your own psychic zone. jump straight to the Lucid Dreaming Techniques page to – wake yourself up – inside your dreams and dream consciously’s also this FREE Lucid Dreaming Mini-Course
Is it normal to dream and remember every night?
Q: Every night i have another dream and i remember them to…some times my dream will even bring in things from dreams i had more then 2 weeks ago. It doesn’t really bother me just curious if it is normal to have and remember dreams every night.
A: Normally people who dream every night live a hectic life, and are stressed out by certain things. I haven’t remembered a dream in a good three weeks, because I do the same thing every day, and don’t have to worry about anything.
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