Do Gemini people have multiple personalities

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The Gemini symbol is The Twins. Some say that Geminis have two complete sides to them, as if they had a multiple personality. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Do Gemini people have multiple personalities
Is it true that people born under the sign of “Gemini” …?
I think it refers to someone being ‘moody’. Also that they can surprise you with their reactions to things- you may think they’ll respond one way, based on previous reactions, and they do something totally different! They can be exciting th…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is it true that people born under the sign of “Gemini” have multiple personalities?
A: I think it refers to someone being ‘moody’. Also that they can surprise you with their reactions to things- you may think they’ll respond one way, based on previous reactions, and they do something totally different! They can be exciting that way. My husband surprises me all the time.
What is the difference between bi polar and multiple personalities?
Q: Because I am a Gemini and I am naturally bipolar so I think that I also have mult personas as well sometimes. I can be nice or evil it depends on which side of me you awaken the good side or the evil side.
A: Bipolar is “I’m happy. Now I’m sad”Multiple Personality is “We’re happy. Now we’re sad.”
What animal(s) represent twins or dual personalities?
Q: I’m a Gemini who possibly had a silent twin and sometimes it seems like I have multiple personalities. The other night, my mom and I watched “The Unborn” and afterward when I headed to bed and curled up with my cats, I got to wondering: what animal or animals represent twins and/or dual personalities.If you have any insights, I would greatly appreciate it if you could share them.
A: I looked this up as well, there isn’t really an “official” animal, since there are so many, ranging from a dog, squirrel, serpent, parrot, linnet, eagle, finch, and then others say it’s just a wolf.
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