Do dreams really come true

Health related question in topics Conversational Mythology Folklore Society Culture .We found some answers as below for this question “Do dreams really come true”,you can compare them.

Sometimes dreams you have at night can become reality, but not very often. Thanks for using ChaCha. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Do dreams really come true
It is my belief that・ (a) If you dream of something, you may ( unconsciously ) want, or be scared of it to happen. ・ (b) if you can dream of something, then you have a much bigger chance ( or should I say motivation ) … ・ (c) Sometimes a …
SEE MY PROFILE! There are three types of dreams: day dreams, desires, and dreams that occur when people sleep. All types of dreams can come true, sometimes they are signs and other times they are false dreams. All dreams are an inter play b…
If so, I may be in a bit of trouble. Last night, I dreamed I fell in love with a jerk. A complete jerk, but my dream-mind kept convincing me that it was all right, he’d change, he loved me, and all those other little things women say that…

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A: (looks down at his empty bag of Oreos)…………………*snif*
Can we really make all our dreams come true?
Q: With hard work and the willpower to be able to do so?Or will some things always remain just out of our reach?Thank you so much for your answers 🙂
A: There is a little saying; reach for the stars but keep your feet on the ground. I don’t think you can expect to reach all your dreams because dreams are something of your imagination and are a fantasy. You need to set yourself achievable and realistic goals based on your dreams….. Dreams are fantasy, so set your aims based on your dreams but make your aims “solid” and realistic. Best of luck.
Is it really necessary that all our dreams come true?
Q: Isn’t it better to keep them?thank you many very good answers 🙂
A: Thank you for a great question!It is next to impossible that all our dreams can be made to come true…… in any case, dreams would lose much of their charm if all of them were to come true. At the same time there would be nothing but staleness if none of the dreams could come true. The very reason why dreams are so charming as well as valuable is precisely because some of them come true, some others can be made to come true while the rest of them would ever remain dreams.
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