Can people really have premonitions

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Yes, there are many instances of premonitions that have come true. It is a form of synchronicity. ChaCha on! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can people really have premonitions
Can people really get premonitions?
I have had dreams in my sleep of events taking place like bad things… and then it’s like deja vu…. the event happens like the very nect day. The night my uncle died… at the very second, I felt a vibe and I woke up immediately and a sp…

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I know its had to believe, but I have premonitions of Major things to soon to happen. How can I help people?
Q: Ok Ok …. I know its had to believe, but I have dreams and premonitions of things soon to happen. I called 911 to warn them of planes crashing on 9- 7-2001 and yes I’m on tape. I told people of the federal building being destroyed in Ok City a week before it happened. I knew of a bank robbery just before it happened. The Pan-am plane crash,over Locker bea. The Space shuttle, The tumuli two years ago. This is just a few of many…How can be believed so I can help.
A: so it sounds like you are possibly psychic. nothing to fear. there are a lot of psychic people. most people don’t believe in psychics but not long ago in history, everyone thought the world was flat. at another time, millions followed hitler. so that shows you how dumb it can be to always care about what people think.the situations listed sound like things you couldn’t have prevented. i’d say it’s important for you not to feel guilty about that. i don’t think it’s your job to prevent disaster from happening. but maybe you can somehow use your “gift.”
when two people love each other do they have premonitions of each other and a spiritual connection?
Q: when two people love each other do they have premonitions of each other and a spiritual connection?Like do they have gut feelings about each other.Can they connect spiritually like for example: Like a girl doesn’t know what time it is and she here’s the guy she loves voice telling her what time it is and when she finally checks the time it is the time she heard. Is that possible. When some one is in love. Or is that just mentally or just hearing things ?
A: Yes , it is the meeting of minds, heart . body and soul and even in spirit. Thats why they say, ” till death do us part ” “and see you in thenext life “
Are there true proveable accounts of people having premonitions?
Q: an ability to predict the future – are there any stories that can be verified?
A: search in google ‘true+premonitions’. for example i found a good story – there are millions:
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