Are men meaner than women

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “Are men meaner than women”,you can compare them.

I am very sorry there is actually no scientific evidence than men on average are meaner than woman, it is rather random [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Are men meaner than women
Are women meaner than men?
Co-stars Anne Hathaway and Kate Hudson debate the issue raised by their comedy. By MARK CARO Chicago Tribune “Bride Wars,” which opens Friday, stars Anne Hathaway and Kate Hudson as best friends turned nasty nemeses when their wed…
Is it me, or can women be meaner than men?
“Speaking from the other end of life” I’m about as close to the end of life as you are from the beginning and I can tell you that women have always been as capable of being ‘mean’ as men. The difference is men used to be mean in a…
Why do women give each other “meaner stares” than men…..?
its a gift and it gets straight to the point!
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