What Plants to Grow in a Koi Pond

Plants provide a constant thriving source of color and shade to every pond and are easily added to any pond by simply submerging the potted root system into the water. Completely cover the soil at the top of the potted plant with rocks in order to prevent the Koi from digging through the soil and chewing on the plants roots system. Below is a list of five ideal plants to grow in a Koi pond.

1- Elephant Ears

Elephant Ears grow over four feet tall and produce extremely large thick green leaves. Elephant Ears provide a great deal of shade and may be positioned anywhere within the pond provided the plant receives direct sunlight.

2 – Iris

Iris is available in numerous different types which should all be positioned within the most shallow sections of the pond. Iris grows a flat green base that floats on the surface of the water with a vivant colorful flower that grows about three inches from the surface.

3- Lotus

Lotus typically produces vibrant pink flowers, but other types are available that produce white, red, or purple flowers. The flowers bloom on top of a small flat green base while the plant is young, but once a Lotus reaches maturity the leaves grow very large lifting above the water with a large bright flower that grows over two feet above the water.

4- Umbrella Plant

Umbrella Plants are wide-reaching hardy lush plants that grow up to a height of over five feet tall and thrive in direct sunlight. Umbrella Plants are typically located in the center or deepest portion of the pond.

5- Lilies

Lilies should be positioned in a shallow section of a pond and are available in numerous vibrant colors that bloom constantly in a hot sunny climate. The flowers grow on a stack about two inches above a flat green pad that floats on the surface of the water.


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