Top 5 Personal Fashion New Year’s Resolutions

Since I’ve had my children I promise myself every year to revert to some of my old, fashionable ways. I have a closet full of business attire, and some sexy and traditional items, but I choose to wear workout clothes on a regular basis. They’re plain and boring, and very easy. It’s much easier to throw on a pair of sweats than to pick out a real outfit. Actually, that’s the excuse I’ve been using for the past few years. This year I have five fashion New Year’s resolutions that I plan to abide by, and to get out of this not-so-fashionable habit.

Wear real clothes

I’m not exactly a clothes horse, but I do love fashionable clothing. Each season I choose a couple of clothing pieces that are trendy and a couple that are traditional, and mix the styles. This adds longevity to my clothes, but I rarely wear them. This year, my goal is to wear one stylish outfit a week, and to get out of my workout clothes.

Wear my favorite stiletto shoes

My love for stiletto shoes is not much different from other women who love stiletto shoes. I have some fabulous shoes sitting in my closet, but since I’ve had my kids I don’t wear them. It’s usually because I’m running around or because I’m heading to the gym, and I certainly can’t wear those to the gym. My resolution is to wear one pair of sexy shoes on my real clothes day.

Add some sparkle to the day

Jewelry is one of my favorite ways to express myself, but I haven’t worn much of it lately. Between washing dishes, working out and bathing the kids fashionable rings haven’t had much room in my life. 2012 opens a new year to work jewelry back into my wardrobe.

Put an end to workout clothes

It’s no secret that I’m a gym rat, but enough is enough. I wear workout clothes to every function. My family has not mentioned this yet, but I’ve noticed it so I know they have noticed it, also. I am the worst about coming home from the gym and getting started with my day without a care that I’m wearing workout clothes. Or, I put on fresh workout clothes to go to the store instead of putting on a real clothes.

Retiring the suits

My everyday attire consists of sweats and yoga pants, but I have a full line of Ann Taylor office wear, circa 2000 to 2003. I worked for several years as a clothing store manager, and have not donated or given away my suits, yet. I think there is something very sexy about men’s wear on women, and hate the idea of retiring my favorite suits; especially the pants. I have more than three dozen pinstripes, plain, bird’s eye tweed, wool flannel, tweed and herringbone style pants, among others. No matter how much I love their look I know it’s time to donate them. They haven’t been worn in so long there is dust over the folds of the hangers.

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