Top 10 Things that You Need to Bring to College

Now that winter break is almost over, I’m getting ready to start packing for college again. When I was leaving for fall semester I wasn’t sure what I needed to take with me. My roommate was nice enough to let me borrow some of the things she’d brought, but this time around I’m making sure to pack what I need. Here’s a list of ten things that you should take to college.

1. Nail clippers

I brought my own nail clippers, but I was surprised to see that many other people forgot to bring them. One of my friends would visit my room every few weeks to borrow mine. These are definitely essential.

2. Printer

My university offers printers in various buildings across campus that we can use for a small fee. My roommate brought a printer that we both shared, and I think it was definitely worth it. Sometimes I finished assignments a few minutes before class started, and I didn’t have to worry about running over to the library to find a printer.

3. Stapler

Almost everybody forgets to bring staplers to college. The TA’s do not appreciate it when people turn in essays that aren’t stapled. Since they grade our assignments, we might as well make them happy.

4. Umbrella

This one is more useful for people in rainy areas, of course. I grew up in a state that gets very little rain, but the weather at my university is known for changing unexpectedly. I never leave my dorm without an umbrella.

5. Lamp

Our dorms have small desk lamps, but they’re not bright enough to light up our little room. Make sure the lamp you buy is not considered a fire hazard by your school.

6. Portable Shower Caddy

This is one of the most useful items you could bring to a college dorm. You don’t want to have to get in the shower only to realize that you forget to bring soap from your room. Shower caddies are an easy way to keep your bathroom supplies organized.

7. Sandals

Another thing to add to your list of bathroom essentials is sandals. Never walk around barefoot. Not even in your own room.

8. Laundry Supplies

You’ll need to bring at least a laundry hamper and detergent. Luckily you’ll only need to wash your clothes once a week at most, so you won’t need too much detergent. My roommate and I shared a large bottle and it lasted the entire semester.

9. Power Strip

Our room only has two power outlets. That’s not nearly enough for all of the electrical things that we use. Due to our technology-heavy lifestyles, a power strip is definitely a must.

10. Chargers

The last thing you need is to get to campus only to realize that you forgot the charger for your iPod, or even worse, your laptop. These are easy to lose track of, so make sure you’ve packed all of them before you leave.

One Last Tip

It can be very helpful to share things with your roommate. For example, my roommate lets me use her printer and I make sure that it always has enough ink and paper. We also split the costs of buying a fan for our room. Little things like that can help reduce expenses for both of you.

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