Tips to Calm Fussy Babies

There are many reasons that babies cry. They may be hungry, wet, dirty, or simply want a little attention. Sometimes, though, you just cannot seem to be able to calm fussy babies. This is a very trying thing for parents, especially first time parents. So, here are a few tips for calming fussy babies.

1. Swaddle: Swaddling is something that you will learn how to do in the hospital. It is a very calming technique that helps the babies relax. When you are swaddling a baby make sure that you keep their arms at their sides or crossed on their chest so that they cannot slip free of the blanket. This keeps the baby from getting his arms free and either scratching himself or just getting uncomfortable again. It gives your baby a sense of security. 2. Shushing: This also gives baby a sense of security while you gently “shush” him as you are holding him. It allows him to know that you are there and calms him with the sound that you are making. It possibly reminds him of the sounds he heard in the womb. 3. Side/Stomach: Babies sometimes get insecure lying on their back which is why laying them on their side or stomach sometimes calms them. This reminds them of the position in your uterus that they have just spent the last nine months. Although this is a great calming method, always lay baby on his back to sleep. 4. Swinging: The swing is a great thing to have in the house, or even you simply swinging baby back and forth. This is movement that baby is used to feeling while you were carrying him. It reminds him of the way you walked and moved while he was in your uterus. 5. Sucking: This is another great technique. Baby may enjoy pacifier, thumb or bottle to suck on. This helps calm the baby and can cure the hunger baby is feeling. Sucking triggers a calming reflex and studies show now that pacifiers can help prevent Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Some doctors also promote sucking for bottle fed babies to help them learn to suck.

The above techniques are all good calming methods used and approved by many. If you find that they are not working for your baby, you may want to ask your doctor about colic or other gastrointestinal issues that may be going on with your baby. These are all excellent ways to calm fussy babies but sometimes you just need a little more help. Never be afraid to ask for help when it comes to calming your baby. Life is easier for you and him when he is a happy peaceful baby.

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