The Religion that Isn’t

Religion is defined by Merriam Webster online dictionary as: a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices. Examples of religion can be found everywhere on earth, in all cultures.

In India the Hindu religion is dominant. Hindus believe in a combination of spiritual and literal commitments and rituals that they must follow. They believe in reincarnation after death and that the world exists in a state of continual harmony and disarray. Hindu’s follow rituals that push the order of extreme to other cultures, going as far as respecting cattle over some classes of humans.

In the Far East, Buddhism is prominent. Buddhists follow a man, Buddha, and all his teachings. The goal of Buddhism is to find an end to all suffering in the mind and body by following the Noble eight-fold path. This is a long list of ideals that are impossible for man to achieve, and involve a large amount of meditation and relaxation.

In the Middle East, most of Africa, and parts of Asia we find Islam as the dominant religion. Islam is divided into different categories, Shiite and Sunni being the principle branches. Some Muslims are extremists who seek above everything else to follow Muhammad and the teachings of the Koran, even if bloodshed and terror are required. Others are peace seeking individuals who try and make the world a better place.

Then there are the Christian countries in Europe in the Americas. Christianity is among the most fragmented religions in the world. There are many different branches and denominations of Christianity. The main dividers being Catholicism and Protestant churches. From there churches divide into Greek orthodox, Anglican, Presbyterian, Baptist, Methodist, Lutheran, Calvinist, and countless others. Christians follow the teachings of the Bible and Jesus Christ. Trying to be good people and be live life as Jesus did; perfectly. The problem with that is that mankind cannot be perfect.

I am not a part of any religion. In fact, I do not like religion. Religion, as defined earlier, consists of men trying hopelessly to live a perfect life. Sometimes men become blinded by religion to the point that they end up bringing about harm and terror, as can be seen amongst followers of radical Islam.

I do, however, follow the Bible and its teachings, as well as possible. I also believe in Jesus Christ, and that God is his father.

You may be surprised at this and say, “You follow Jesus and the Bible, thus you are religious! Christianity is your religion!”

This is where I must kindly correct you. Christianity is not my religion. Rather, I have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. That is true Christianity. In fact, I will go as far as to say that many people, who believe they are Christians, are not in fact Christians! The Bible speaks against religion and its corruptness, its futility. Mankind is flawed and weak. Everyone messes up once and a while. That is why it is impossible to follow a religion. One stray thought or lust is counted as sin, thus nobody is perfect.

This is where my belief, my relationship with Jesus comes in. Christ paid the price for the times I mess up, which are quite often. Christ came down to Earth 2000 years ago and was killed by Roman soldiers and Jewish people even though he never did anything wrong. He came down to Earth to die for my wrongs, to right my wrongs. By having a personal relationship with him, as laid out in the Bible, Christ promises that my screw-ups are forgiven. He then counts me as a child, and promises eternal life in heaven after death.

If what I am writing is new to you, I encourage you to read the bible for more answers. Starting with John 3:16.

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only begotten son, that whosoever believes in Him, shall not perish but have everlasting life.

So in conclusion, my religion is not in fact a religion, but rather a relationship. For feedback or further questions about what I believe, and what the Bible lays out, please feel free to leave a comment. Feedback is welcome!

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