The Fourth Coming – a Science Fiction Short Story Containing Elements of Philosophy, Fantasy and History

He died today, and the world was lessened by his passing. He died, and the murky air is heavy with despair. The angel of mourning has parted the gray winds, and is pouring down tears of sorrow. The wind howls cold gusts of reality. He left us alone, unprepared, and all too soon. He is gone again; and again his work is unfinished. The resounding, reverberating echo of the trumpet rides the frigid breeze above us to infinity; taping out tunes of sadness and loss. The bright colors have had their wings corralled, corners furled and creased, as if they too were deceased. A flock of doves attack the sky, weaving threads of soft white through the shadowy mist. Seven long figures cloaked in black, discharge the rods of regret, a score plus one; then hold, then salute. While the iridescent cloth, spirit captured, is presented to the black lady as a token of honor and remembrance.

He died today, and the world is lessened by his passing. The world is lessened, but this is not without design. Three times he has been among us, and three times he has met his demise at the hand of another. The Law Giver has ordained that he be born but four, and not again. He will come again in the third millennium A.D., if all things are status quo. Rising to prominence on gossamer wings he will awaken our consciousness, and lead us to the brink of self actualization. The Law Giver has ordained each of his deaths as the sign of the birth of new consciousness, and the coming of a new age.

Many centuries ago, he was charged with the helm of Rome. Senator, General and King, he ruled with sagacious greatness. “Friends, Romans and countrymen lend me your ear.” Rome reached a level of prominence hither-to unimagined and her consciousness blazed across the sky and seared the heavens. The new consciousness however, was accompanied by equally heightened levels of greed, lust and anarchy, as the Law Giver prophesied. Societies can not reign without the law! Consequently, comrades became enemies, clergy became followers of the low, public servants became self serving, and friends became foes. Et Tu Brute; Alas he was lost and a new era of civilization was born.

On a farm in the Midwest, where golden fields of wheat lean in the evening breeze, he stood tall as the log beams. Cut wood till his hands bled; hunt coon fore first light, and learnin’ fore bedtime. He found a friend in the law and in education. Welcome back “old friend”, this time to a new land. A land with new ideas, and strong ideals, forged painfully from the furnaces of the past. He cuts a path from the backwoods to the Whitehouse, and for his deeds the people will cut his image in stone. “Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth a new nation” With these words he challenged his countrymen to eradicate the cracks of hypocrisy from their way of life and to live up to their ideals, even above the consciousness of the day. The black mark of oppression is eradicated from southern life as the noisy machine of industry railroads into the future on the sweaty backs of oppressed laborers. Capitalism is born, and breeds greed, along with self serving anarchy. Curtains; he was lost and a new America was born.

On the shores of Kennebunkport, Maine the clouds are low, and the waters high. Shadowy and sullen, he appears to be carrying the whole world. He is back, and the days that loom ahead are ominous, and uncertain as the drift wood floating beneath the harbor. His friends have also returned – armor provided him by his father. For what does a man avail himself without the law? Intellectually and physically he is fit for the task at hand. His life has been a prelude for greatness. This also not without design, he is getting stronger, and the future though bleak is bright. The followers of the low now publicly assemble themselves. Conspiracy and espionage abound in this age. He is stronger, but he reigns in a sophisticated era. Utopia is just around the corner or obliteration if that is the choice. The consciousness of the world is one of idealistic chaos. The followers of the low aspire to high office. The masses follow all and are lead by none. The people look to government for leadership, while government at it’s best, looks to the people. “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country. Do whatever you must, or be doomed to return again until it is done. For love of god and country, let the rise in consciousness lead you to wise choices. The Law Giver ordained that we choose our destiny, each man accepting or rejecting the law. The Law Giver weeps in prophecy, at the choices of the followers of the low. The low spirit is weakened with each rise in consciousness, but fights with greater rage, and fury. A disciple of the low has perched himself on a brick ledge above the crowd. Good afternoon this is Walter Cronkite; the President died at 1 p.m. Central Standard Time…some 38 minutes ago; and with that he was lost.

Today is a day I will long remember: The piercing white stones shove the earth aside and boldly state their purpose. One thousand flashes of light freeze the moment for eternity and capture the grief of the sobbing masses for all time. They are grieving the loss of one man, but the fate of mankind is at stake. The Law Giver beckons for those who stand fast at the dawn of awareness, allowing themselves not to be intoxicated by the blinding light of new birth. According to divine law, self destruction is imminent until the fourth coming after which time he will be allowed to live out his destiny and complete the purpose of his calling. Finally, he will be allowed to lead all men to the utopia of total awareness.

For today however, I am here, and he is not – Oh, who am I? You could say I am an interested party. I have been here as long as he, watching and waiting. I have returned once again to fulfill my great purpose, to inspire and lead the masses. I am Brutus, I am Booth, and I am Oswald. I am sent to keep the balance and provide choice. As a man will kill for envy, for country, or fame, I will be present. I am the spirit of societal chaos and anarchy. For now however – my work is done. You see, he died today, and the world is lessened by his passing!!!

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