The Fall of Discontent

The turn of events ever since the beginning of this past years “Arab Spring” where oppressed people first in Egypt, then in Libya, followed by the uprising of citizens in Syria who all have endured years of oppression, stagnation, and repression rose up in rebellion against their government. The demure of leaders of repressed nations that have continued to reap vast wealth at the expense of their citizens nor show an sympatric ear to those who are so impoverished are now falling victim to their own greed. After so many years of frustration populations are now rising up in defiance in hoping of achieving a better quality of life. Sound familiar! It should, because an oppressed people, millions of United States citizens, have now endured for too long a quality of life that has slipped away. The American Dream is gone.

The Fall of discontent is upon the United States. Like the “Arab Spring” the echoes of their revolt has given rise to the chorus for millions of Americans who have witnessed an almost total evaporation of all their hopes and dreams for a brighter future. Evidence of this is found most prominently in Florida. As with the Republican leaders in Washington the mind set by the state’s Governor are most oblivious to the hopes, dreams, and aspirations of the majority. Where leaders of Government especially Republican led states carry on like Ming The Merciless and Ebenizier Scrooge in their plans to rescue the economy. Inadvertently the Republican party has and is single handily continuing to exasperate the economic crisis. This crisis by the way, they actually helped create.

Can it be any wonder now that after years of stagnation, and repression of more and more United States citizens by corporate American and a political system that has become so corrupted that a protest such as “Occupy Wall Street” has begun? Most would venture to say what took so long for a movement like this to start? It has been inevitable that such an attempt at righting the many wrongs that continue to hamper one’s own ability to climb up that economic mobility ladder. It is as though the majority of Americans have been hurled back down that mobility ladder of economic opportunity to the point that all the rungs have been broken off leaving so many millions stranded. All with little or no hope of ever being able to climb back up.

The Ebenizer Scrooge affect is alive and well in today’s economy. If the Republican party in state and federal office continue to have their way that famous line from A Christmas Carol ” If they rather die than be in state institutions they had better do it and decrease the surplus population” is the attitude coming from the legislation that they have and still are trying to pass on to the general public. In all aspects of business in the United States corporate executives are still continuing behaving more like Scrooge every day while the lowly Bob Cratchets everywhere are facing a very bleak future. With wage stagnation or even reduction while the cost of living continuing to rise is keeping ones availability of ever climbing up that economic ladder of economic mobility from becoming a reality.

With the economy continuing to degenerate with an unacceptable unemployment rate { in some areas in the United States it is over 40% ] every month with apparently no sings the unemployment rate will decrease our lawmakers have already shielded themselves from the harsh reality that more millions of Americans face each day. Do I buy medicine or food, or pay that electric bill before they shut it off and forgo buying food or medicine, or do I forgo purchasing gas to get to interviews and to get to a pittance of a paying wage job just so I can get food. These are some of the real decisions that are being made every day all over this country. Yet, our illustrious leaders in state and federal governments really don’t or won’t get it with the type of legislation that is currently being discussed. Again, in Florida typical Republican attitudes persist with a Republican Governor that refused federal stimulus funding allotted to this state of over 400 million dollars has put this state in serious jeopardy. An infusion of that amount of money would have gone a long way to improve the state’s overall economy but now our illustrious Republican led legislatures in backing the Governor have continued to keep this state from achieving any economic stability with all the other legislation that has passed and currently proposed. This has and will trigger more layoffs which will continue the stagnation of the states economy. When it comes to unemployment insurance every employer now is faced with a rate increase of $92 per employee for unemployment insurance. Where is the employer going to come up with this drastic rate increase? Most likely thru more cuts in jobs, materials and supply’s, which means the quality and durability of goods and services provided or manufactured will decline and only push the economy into a domino effect of economic retardation all over the state of Florida. This is happening in Florida and if it happening here it is happening in every state across the country. No small wonder that the citizens have now said enough is enough.

The Scrooge effect and a Ming The Merciless mentality of the powers that be is happening all over the United States. With ever persistent evidence of corporate greed running rampant all through-out the corporate world more workers are continuing to fall down that economic ladder of mobility. The recent report by the Government Accounting Office has revealed that top executives all over have continually under funded employees pension plans and have managed to garnish billions of dollars in total compensation, salaries, retirement, stock options, and other perks while the rank and file employees are being paid less every year. Individual employee retirement benefits continue to shrink while all at the same time the cost of living keeps increasing at a rate of over 10% annually. Where is the honor and equality in all this?

The American public in this “Fall Of Discontent” has begun to rise up to persuade the Scrooges of the corporate world and the Ming the Merciless Republican mentality today that there is a way to actually achieve economic growth, prosperity for all, a quality of life that is better than our parents and to preserved it for future generations to come. This starts with National Economic Reform Ten Articles Of Confederation that will reform all the policies, laws, mandates and treaties that have undermined the United States economy for the past 25 years. Putting people to work through programs like the a WPA that was so successful in the 1930’s is a first step when National Economic Reform is implemented. This will propel business to hire and retain more employees. This creates economic expansion.

A living wage job for every American has to be the rallying cry of not only the protesters of “Occupy Wall Street” but every person seeking public office in America today. A reality, yes. But it starts with National Economic Reform and the massive public works projects that will rebuild this countries infrastructure, create energy independence, and secure the opportunities so that every American has the availability of being able to climb up that ladder of economic mobility.

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