The Downsides of Honor

Honor is a Latin word bestowed on an individual’s social morality that is judged by those who take the time to reflect the persons’ worth and an assessment of their qualities, capabilities to work in harmony and accountability of their actions. In all common sense of the word, honor appears to be a good thing to have or possess. Honor is analyzed by two things in society – conflict and character. Conflict would determine whose side you are on in the battle of acquiring power or influence and how well you handle this test. Character is the manner a person goes about acquiring this power or influence. Character is determined by the social influences brought into someone’s life as well as the moral compass they use as a directional tool to make professional decisions or live a particular ethical lifestyle. As it is immediately obvious the two elements may itself be at conflict with each other as the word honor is much like the word principles. Its meaning and customs depends on the conditions of the community or group and it relies on the ultimate goal of acquiring such a status through either power or character or both. It is the evil minded glutton for power through a warped character that is dangerous to the world today.

A former employee burned is often readily identified as a whistleblower, disgruntled, unreliable or dangerous. This is a most common status as it appears to be placed on those who maintain their character, give up the power and uses his or her extremely well skilled qualities to take on another test laid before them. The challenge of proving the accuser that his or her honor has remained intact and the criticizer is the individual with the flawed character in their search for ultimate power. Somewhat operating under a disguise of being a covert operative whether in the role of an investigator or reporter or even an advocate for those things close to the heart, it presents numerous sparring contests before the matter is ultimately settled, if indeed ever resolved. An honorable individual can be a cynic and hardened by the fact that they are no longer accepted within the former social circles of the past and must move on to find another means of social support. He or she sometimes feels vulnerable and lonely as this fight that is more likely to be fought solo with a more powerful foe as these dynamics rarely invites the participation of others to join the battle and fight alongside by side for fear of being ostracized or even physically injured by the very same parties that they have disagreed with in the past but are not strong enough to pick up the sword and defend their own honor. Maintaining close relationships is difficult and sharing any deep personal thoughts is almost nonexistent. The reasons are clear as they refuse to draw others into their conflict to redeem their name and reputation thus steering them clear of any collateral damage inflicted during the battle and factor in a level of mistrust that accompanies them along the way. Abandoned by his former peers and friends, internal contacts are hard to find and is under continuous scrutiny by others to track their progress or contacts. Looking for another job is nearly impossible as all their qualifications and experience are “frozen” by those who control the market and job opportunities. The only restoration to some level of normalcy would be to become self-employed or step out of the business all together and start something new and independently without sponsors.

Obsessed by the desire to clear this honor, the individual must be careful at all times and work as an unlicensed private investigator for gathering the facts into those cases he deems to be important enough to handle and provide feedback or truth to those individuals who still depend on honorable men and women in the professional fields to help them fight their battles.

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