The Biggest Clue that a Woman May Be into You

Hey, guys! Have you ever wondered if there is some way to really figure out if a lady is into you? There is, at least sort of. It is something so obvious and simple, that we often overlook it because we are idiots when it comes to members of the opposite sex.

The question is, “how can I tell if a woman is interested in me?” The answer is that you can’t ever really be sure unless she tells you that she is. That really is the only way to know for certain that you have a chance with her. But, don’t be discouraged because there is something else that can help you determine if you have a chance with her, even if she hasn’t told you directly. And here it is:

Is she voluntarily putting effort into interacting with you?

If the answer is “yes” then there is a strong likelihood that she is interested in you enough, that if you asked her out, she would say “yes.” And remember, the more effort she puts forth, the better your chances.

So, you may be wondering what this looks like. It is really a judgment call. Is she interested in your conversation or does she bolt for the bathroom at the first silence? Does she consistently stand or sit near you and begin conversations? Does she look at you repeatedly and smile when you catch her? Has she texted you at least a few times, and not to say, “leave me alone or I am getting a restraining order?” In some way, is she playful with you?

Now, keep in mind that this is not foolproof. A woman may still turn you down. Maybe, she is married or has a boyfriend. Maybe she is just a nice person and very friendly. Maybe she is a member of some team or group that you belong to and she has to interact with you. All of that aside, if a woman is voluntarily putting effort into interacting with you, then she is probably interested. That is the clue. Again, it is not foolproof. It is a clue. A very large one, and likely the best one you will get. It will not work 100% of the time, but as a betting man, I will take these odds every single time.

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