The Benefits of Downsizing when You Move Abroad

Moving to another country is a huge step, but once you have made the decision you will have your plate full as you work to get everything done in time for your move. One aspect of your move you need to seriously consider is the importance of downsizing before you move abroad. Doing so will be beneficial in a number of ways and cause less headaches down the road.

Downsizing Helps You Build Up a Moving Fund

Downsizing gives you the opportunity to build up your moving fund, rather than having to dip too deeply into savings for the big move. Ebay, Craigslist, yard/garage sales, and consignment shops are just a few ways in which you can get rid of unwanted items in the run up to your move.

If you have been looking for an excuse to de-clutter and make some extra room, then an international move is the perfect opportunity to do just that!

Shipping Costs Are Lower

Unless you are being moved abroad at the government’s expense due to a military permanent change of station, you will most likely be responsible for footing the entire shipping costs involved in moving.

Keep in mind that moving companies are not cheap, so if you intend to take every inch of furniture and household goods from your 2,500sq ft home do not be surprised if you are slapped with heavy moving expenses at the end of the day. Downsizing before the removal vans arrive will save you a lot in shipping costs that you could put aside for a rainy day.

You Can Get Used to Living in a Smaller Home

Many overseas moves involve getting used to living in a much smaller home than you have been accustomed to. By downsizing in advance you can “shrink” your current home and start getting used to the idea of living in a smaller living space before you even arrive.

Then once you have moved abroad, you will be able to make the most of your new living quarters without struggling to adjust in a smaller home that is crowded by bulky, oversized furniture.

Downsizing is beneficial when you are getting ready to move abroad. It can help you build up a moving fund as you de-clutter your home, rather than drain your savings account, reduce shipping costs and help you get used to living in a smaller home once you have moved.

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