The Ballad of Little E’s Jazz Club

E nter Little E’s. A club/restaurant downtown that gives Pittsburgh the sounds of jazz it rarely hears. Little E’s sports a fully stocked bar and restaurant menu. They trumpet various performances each and every night. And even if you can’t reed the menu, it is easy to enjoy the simplicity of Little E’s; the symphony here is not created for your mouth, but for your ears.

G raciously, Little E’s never missed a beat. I was joined by my friend Maranda, and while the food was not amazing, it did allow us to take note of what was going on around us. A few drinks (I can’t remember how many measures), and a catfish sandwich later, I too was fully entranced by this new atmosphere. In this review, I scaled back my interest in the food, and appreciated my surroundings more than ever.

B y our Pittsburgh standards, Little E’s is unique. As probably one of the few places in Pittsburgh where the steel city resembles New Orleans – it does not disappoint. With free live jazz and delicious meals and drinks, it is hard to go wrong at Little E’s. You’ll find your toes tapping and your face smiling. You can pretend you are drumming up interest in a new hobby, or you can sit back, relax and leave your checkbook at home.

D riving home this point, the overall style of Little E’s was spectacular. The noise level varied between loud conversation and jam session. You can sit close to someone and communicate yet still appreciate your meal. There is no rush or hurry, and you can leave whenever you like. Just as jazz should be.

F orget what you knew about jazz clubs. Either way Little E’s IS where the music matters. So take a trip to Little E’s and hear what I heard. I learned this week that when you need a change, you don’t always have to settle a score – sometimes you just have to duet yourself.

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