Ten Things to Know About Autism:

In order to understand the major differences between Autism and Aspergers, it helps to understand that Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a very broad term that refers to a wide range of social, developmental, and cognitive abilities.

1. A person with autism may be so significantly impaired that language, cognitive, and social development will be severely affected. 2. Likewise, the autistic traits may be mild and the individual may be able to function at a high intellectual level while continuing to need some support with social skills. 3. Language development presents a major difficulty for a person with autism. Early intervention and increased awareness and support can help with skill development and progress with social skills. 4. Many people with autism tend to repeat words (echolalia), particularly words they have just heard. Motions (such as hand flapping) may also be repetitive and habitual. 5. Language structure and grammar present difficulties. Language development and vocabulary may be inconsistent. Adult Individuals with Asperger’s and those with high functioning autism may have similar speech patterns. 6. Individuals with Asperger’s Syndrome often will have a strong interest and knowledge about a specific subject. This interest and focus may be so intense that the individual will prefer the topic to social interactions. 7. Both individuals with Autism and Asperger’s are often preoccupied with structure, routine, and order. Schedules and patterns are important and transitions between events may cause difficulties. 8. Individuals with autism often experience some degree of cognitive impairment. Functional and self-help skills, along with language development, often require specialized training. 9. People with Asperger’s usually have average to above average intelligence. Language and self-help skills are often appropriate while social skills present difficulty and require support. 10. Autism and Asperger’s syndrome may seem quite similar. The fine line between mild autism and Asperger’s is often difficult to recognize.

It’s important to understand that no two individuals with autism or Asperger’s will react and behave identically. There are many excellent articles, websites, support groups and books available that may help provide additional information on Asperger’s/Autism.

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