Surviving Your Public Speaking Engagement

For many of us, just the simple thought of speaking to an audience can induce a panic attack. Following these simple tips prior to and during your speech will give you the confidence you need and help you to avoid this anxiety.

Positive Visualization Works

Visualize yourself giving the speech successfully and focus on how well you do in your mind. If you think you can do it, you can do it.


Just before you walk up to deliver your speech take a moment to check your breathing. Breathe in for 6 counts and then breathe out for 6 counts. Do this a few times to center yourself and calm your pounding heart.

Rehearse Your Speech

Practice makes perfect. Practice your speech several times in front of a friend or family member before you actually deliver it.

Mental Exercises to Overcome Your Fear

Visualization is a great mental exercise to overcome your fear. Picture yourself as a professional speaker giving a once in a lifetime speech. Encourage yourself with your visualization.

Focus Your Thoughts

Focus on the task at hand. Don’t worry about what the person in the front row is doing, or what the person standing in the aisle is doing. Focus your thoughts and look at your audience periodically as you give your speech.

Find a Focal Point

If it’s nerve wracking to look at the people in the audience find a focal point on a back wall just slightly above everyone’s heads. Look up at this focal point periodically as you give your speech. You can also focus on peoples foreheads. This gives the appearance that you’re looking right at someone without you having to make actual eye contact.

Avoid These Things

Alcohol and drugs can impair your speech, cloud your thinking and your judgment. Avoid these prior to giving a speech.

Know The Location

Know exactly where you’re to deliver your speech. Knowing where you’re going will help ease any nervousness on your arrival.

Focus on Your Message

Concentrate on what you want your message to deliver and then say it clearly. Don’t let yourself get off on a rabbit trail talking about something that really has nothing to do with your speech.

Know Your Audience

You wouldn’t give a college commencement speech to a group of kindergärtners, plan your speech according to your audience.

Many professional speakers as well as singers suffer from panic attacks. Following a these simple techniques they have learned to over come their panic and focus on the task at hand. Following these techniques will help you to stop worrying and look forward to the next time you’re scheduled to speak to a large audience.

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