Signs that a Relationship is Over

It might be clear to some when a relationship is over, but it all depends upon the process. Sometimes it ends suddenly and without a doubt, while other times it slowly fades away. This is because some people have a hard time letting go, while other times the situation is very confusing. This is especially true if emotions and actions are nothing short of a rollercoaster ride. No one should have to put up with this. Discover the signs that indicate when a relationship is soon to be over, and get out before the other person completely breaks or batters your heart, mind and soul.

Fewer Texts and Calls are Major Signs of Discontentment

When a relationship is over or dying a very slow death, texts and calls will begin to dwindle. When a guy or girl used to send good morning messages each and every day, and when those messages eventually come to a halt, the magic is definitely over. If sending sweet messages takes far too much effort, something is wrong with the relationship. It might not be over in every sense of the word, but the desire to stay in touch and express loving sentiments has ended. This is one of the major signs that indicate the relationship is over because you are clearly no longer in the forefront of his or her mind.

Fewer Visits Could Mean that it Will Be Over Before Long

Texts and calls are not the only forms of communication that drop off when a relationship is over or is on its way out. Fewer visits is also one of the signs of impending doom. If a boyfriend or girlfriend used to express a desire to come over often and the visits are down by half or more, get ready for the other shoe to drop. It will be over if something does not change. They obviously do not want to see you as often as they once did, and if a good reason does not exist, this is one of the many signs that indicate the relationship is over or will be ending very soon.

Nonexistent Plans for the Future is a Major Indication that it Will Be Over

When a couple used to make plans for the future and future plans no longer exist, the relationship is likely over or headed in that direction. Signs like these point to a dead end, and the only options are turning around or simply walking away. Spending time together is important, and if you will not be going anywhere or doing anything anytime soon, how could this be fun or fulfilling? A part of the relationship is already over since future plans are a necessary component of a happy life with another person.

If getting together consists of eating home-cooked meals and watching television, find something else to do, especially if you are the one doing all of the work. Unless you are running a restaurant or have lots of extra money to spare, why allow yourself to be used like this?

In the end, your soon-to-be ex might be doing you a favor. Do not be afraid of change, especially if you are being emotionally abused and put down. As the picture indicates, some endings are really blessings in disguise. Read the signs and move on.

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