Safety With Prescription Medications Can Save a Life

It’s a fact that many people visit the emergency room or even get hospitalized due to interactions and allergies from prescription medications. As people get older they are treated with medications for all kinds of chronic ailments. The more prescriptions that are taken, the more the risk of interactions. And adding in over the counter (OTC) medicines and herbal and vitamin products can increase the complications. In the past, I worked as a pharmacy technician and was shocked how little people knew about the prescriptions they were consuming. Here are some prescription medicine issues and safety tips to keep in mind.

Communicate With Your Doctors and Pharmacist

Communication about medications is imperative with your doctors and pharmacists. How well do you know which medications you are taking? And does each of your doctors know the medications you are on? This is why you should keep a list of all prescriptions you consume at all times. Keep one list at home and one in a wallet. Make sure to include the proper names, dosage and who prescribed the medication and for which ailment. Also include a list of all OTC meds and other supplements you take. Just because something is natural doesn’t mean it can’t interact with a prescription medication. Make sure to go over the OTC meds with your physician.

It’s also best to use one pharmacy for all your prescription needs. Most pharmacies have computer programs that not only list the drugs you are taking but will red flag the pharmacist if any combination will produce side effects from allergies or interactions. As many people are using mail-away pharmacies these days, it is wise to fill the prescription at least once at your regular local pharmacy to make sure nothing flags. Using more than one pharmacy can lead to problems – medications need to be monitored.

When picking up your ordered medications, make sure to verify the instructions or ask any questions you may have with your pharmacist. Carefully read the information leaflet that comes with your prescription and save this for future reference. Also, make sure to store the medications in their original containers. This will allow you to easily check the dosage instructions and note the expiration dates.

If after taking your prescription you feel ill, suffer side effects or fail to improve, consult your doctor or pharmacist immediately. They will give you instructions on whether to continue or stop taking the medication. Never mix alcohol with drugs; prescription or even OTC. Alcohol is known to cause reactions with many medications. And by all means, make sure to keep all medications, even vitamins away from a child’s reach.

Why Be Concerned About OTC Medications?

Some people feel that since they are taking a medication from the counter of a drug store that it is not harmful. This can be a serious mistake. For example, various cough suppressants, cold medications and allergy pills can raise a person’s blood pressure. Also, some OTC medications can interact with prescription meds and cause them to not work properly.

Please be aware of the importance of reviewing ALL the medications you take with a professional, including vitamins, herbs, OTC drugs and prescriptions. You and your doctor must make the time to do this to insure your medication safety.

There are also Internet sites that let you list your medications and then click to check for interactions. This service is not to replace your doctor or pharmacist, however, it will give you an idea of what needs to be discussed with your medical professional. Copy the information and take it with you. A couple sites to visit are and These are free sites where you can check for interactions and also look up information on individual medications.

Be an informed medication consumer – the information you learn may just save your life someday!

Source: Personal experience in medical records technology and as a pharmacy technician.

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