Rick Perry Stands for Tort Reform

You can count on Democrats to signal whom they fear. They go after the folks they want to destroy like sharks swimming shallow beach waters in summer. Greedy tort lawyers are after Rick Perry. But mixing tort law and Perry is like mixing shark oil with Perrier.

An online opinion piece in the New York Post is the only place you’ll hear whom the sharks fear most. Tort lawyers fear Rick Perry. And their national lobby is throwing big bucks toward disabling Perry in the GOP race.


Rick Perry capped medical liability in Texas at $250,000, thereby limiting big ticket court awards for damages. The same 2003 Texas law limited premiums on medical malpractice insurance. This lured doctors to practice medicine affordably in Texas, much to the loss of sick folks in places like New York and New Jersey. Hey, even doctors gotta go where the state isn’t eating your lunch!

Tort lawyers

The devil isn’t in the details; he’s in the tort-lawyer lobby. This powerfully rich and influential lobby, along with other special interests, has owned the Democrat Party for some time. Even in Texas.

Fund raising

The CEO of a global company headquartered in Texas once told me of his attempt to return home from work one evening. A Texas state trooper barred his car from proceeding. President Clinton was in town visiting one of the homes in a nearby neighborhood.

Clinton had come for a fund raising event sponsored by the association of tort lawyers. The lawyers flocked to and clogged the ritzy neighborhood where the party collected funds for the Party. The poor working guy couldn’t get through the neighborhood to get to his own home.

Tort reform = medical cost cutting

Reforming tort law and the enormous awards lawyers seek in the courts would go a long way to reduce the costs of medical care. But for all of the thousands of pages of the ObamaCare law, where were the cost cutting measures of tort reform?

They weren’t there because ObamaCare isn’t really about cutting medical costs. They weren’t there because the tort lawyers associations are big Democrat financial backers. They weren’t there because Obama is about money and power not medical care for the people who need it.

Perry = tort reform

So, that makes Perry a target ripe for reprisal by Democrat interests. Watch them try to defame his name and defeat his posture as being for the people. Watch Perry run, win, and rise above the deception of the current regime. Because he’s for cost cutting, getting it done, and putting people back to work the fair, old-fashioned way.

Besides, shark meat is the new luncheon delicacy of the working class. It’s on Perry’s plate.

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