Recap: ‘House of Lies,’ Season 1, Episode 2, ‘Amsterdam’

In “House of Lies,” Season 1, Episode 2, “Amsterdam,” Marty and his pod people have to go to Phoenix to save a sports team from destruction due to the fact that its married owners are divorcing and can’t stand one another.

Spoilers surely follow.

First, let us dispose of the two minor subplots. Jeannie has a dinner with an old boy friend that turns out to be a head hunting operation. Since the offer is for twice what she is making now, Marty makes sure that she won’t take it not by giving her a raise, but by arranging for the offer to be withdrawn. This is supposed to show how ruthless and amoral Marty is, as if we didn’t know that already.

Marty also butts heads with the principal of his son’s school over his son’s cross dressing. It is a sign of our politically correct times that Marty takes the kid’s side on this issue. Also, how is it that the kid isn’t beat up every day in the school yard? Things seem to have changed since your humble servant was on the playing fields.

Back to the main problem. It seems that the breakup of the two owners threatens to destroy the sports team. The league is certainly contemplating drastic action. All sorts of trouble is in the offing if a solution cannot be found.

Then there is the nagging question of a missing $100 million dollars. Eventually it is found in an off shore account. Apparently the husband wants a nest egg that the wife cannot get at. Unfortunately this is very bad, because Marty has to (or so he says) disclose this little wrinkle.

Fortunately there is a solution. The co-owners of the team agree to pretend to reconcile. They will live separate lives, but the team will still be intact.

Mind, one can foresee all sorts of long term problems with this arrangement. Since the co-owners, albeit husband and wife, hate each other, the temptation to knife one another in the back will likely be overwhelming. That is not Marty’s problem, however-unless his company is called back in to fix it. In which case, more billable hours galore.

One more thing. What is it about this show and bathroom sex? Do these people not know what a bed is for?

Source: House of Lies, Amsterdam, TV.Rage

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