Pros and Cons of an Online School

Returning to school for a degree is a dream of many people, time and money have been obstacles preventing that dream to come to fruition. Online schools such as Devry University and University of Phoenix cater to working adults who want to pursue a college degree by offering them flexible schedules and lower tuition costs that a traditional on-campus education. But is an online school right for you? Let’s examine some pros and cons of an online school so you can make an informed decision.

Flexibility of an Online School

Pro: An online school offers flexible study schedules for adults who are obligated to family and full time jobs. You can do most of your school work any time, any place.

Con: Not all online schools offer transferable credits to other colleges and not all are pass the eligibility requirement for federal aid.

Near or Far Studies

Pro: By studying online, you are not limited by geography. You can chose the school for the quality of its program not its proximity to your home.

Con: Studying on your own requires discipline and time management skills. There is no one to hold you accountable via attendance roles or pop quizzes.

Time and Money Savings

Pro: You will save money on gas and save time since there is no school commute. Online courses may cost more upfront, but they make up for it with other ways to save.

Con: If you are already juggling family and work time, expect to cram on nights and weekends.

You Can Re-Wind

Pro: When attending an online school and there’s an interruption during a class or lecture, you can re-wind and pick up where you left off.

Con: You don’t get that same one-on-one feedback from a professor at an online school.

Hide and Seek

Pro: If you are a shy person and prefer to socialize at your own pace via a social network, you will probably enjoy the faceless electronic communication with classmates and professors that an online school will provide.

Con: You will miss out on face time, camaraderie and networking that is part of the college campus experience.

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