Political Madness Explained

“The Liberal Mind” by Lyle Rossiter,M.D. is my favorite book of 2011. The subtitle tells it all: “The Psychological Causes of Political Madness”.

This book is a revolutionary reveal of the insanity that is modern liberalism. As was obvious all along, they are crazy! Since publication of the book, the Liberal Gene DRD4 has been discovered by Prof James H Fowler at the University of California, San Diego, 2010, in total support of Rossiter’s compelling volume. A companion book, “Liberalism is a Mental Disorder” has been published by Michael Savage.

Rossiter clearly and completely delineates the neurosis of liberalism. The underling cause of which is the “7R variant of DRD4, a dopamine receptor gene”. Didn’t you know it? They’re liberal because it makes them feel good.

Just like a drug addict liberals must “do good” in order to get their fix no matter how much harm it does or how irrational it is. Emotionalism based in poor childhood development is the basis of liberal excess as an adult.

Many examples are provided by Dr Rossiter and discussed as to the causes and cures of liberalism. The underlying genetic disposition is clearly a large obstacle to a cure. Prevention is advocated as a way to prevent development of liberal tendencies. One looks forward to the development of early childhood tests to detect nascent liberalism and allow preventive cures.

Dr Rossiter reveals how the liberals prey upon feelings of inferiority in the general population to advance their liberal goals and agendas. Here are four key avenues for liberals to advance irrationality.

Liberals seek to develop a sense of “victimization”. Liberals seek to satisfy infantile emotions and desires of entitlement, indulgence and compensation. Liberals accentuate and use latent feelings of envy. Liberals promote the primacy of the government over all aspects of the individual will.

These are all childish feelings which give comfort to the delayed adolescence of the typical liberal. The “cure” for liberals is simply for them to “grow up”. If reality can be made to intrude upon their nirvana there is hope for a recovery. Sadly, adults inhibited in childhood are difficult to displace from their false security. After all, one of the hallmarks of liberals is their insecurity. However, if a way can be found to give liberals a rational security it is often possible for them to make a recovery. There are many examples of recovered liberals making eloquent conservatives!

“The roots of liberalism and its associated madness, can be clearly identified by understanding how children develop from infancy to adulthood and how distorted development produces the irrational beliefs of the liberal mind,” he says. “When the modern liberal mind whines about imaginary victims, rages against imaginary villains and seeks above all else to run the lives of persons competent to run their own lives, the neurosis of the liberal mind becomes painfully obvious.”

This book is a necessary read for any rational being fighting the crazy liberals. Get it, read it, act on it, save the world from insane liberals.

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