Online or Campus Class Options

Trying to decide between online and attending college campus classes? Some colleges may well offer the same degree; it’s an issue of choosing which class style is right for the individual. My preference was to mix online and evening campus classes. Although online and the highly regarded campus classroom setting can offer a number of the same degree options, there are several noteworthy differences.

Online Classes:

Online classes require the internet, complete assigned work anywhere that has internet connection. Allows the student to choose time and speed to complete assignment. Gives added flexibility to fit student’s daily schedule. For students with jobs, or families with children, this might be the ideal option to complete a degree. No babysitter fees to pay. Must be disciplined in getting course work and tests finished by the professors due date. Some courses require campus proctored exams. Email is used to communicate with the professors online. Course work such as Algebra, may be difficult to master taken as an online class.

Campus Classes:

Campus classes require student’s classroom attendance. Classes are scheduled at the same time, day or evening for the semester agenda. Correspondence for students is face to face with the instructor in the classroom setting. In class examples of material and discussions help an individual comprehend. Notes are taken as the professor speaks and gives examples of the material. Get questions answered immediately by the professor. Allows students to make new friends and form study groups.

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