Notes from God’s Secretary

I remember sitting in church the morning Pastor Kerry told us that we would have jobs in heaven. I raised my eyebrows and turned to Ross next to me. “Imagine THAT,” I said to him.

Ross was astonished at the idea. At the time, he was planning his retirement from the exterminating company. He had 79 days to go until he could extinguish his last termite. Good old Ross. How good it will be to see him again some day…if only he could see me now, in my new position! Who would have thought that after the car accident on Cleveland Road, I’d wind up here in Records, God’s Secretarial Department!

I laugh sometimes when I think about the job I had on earth for fourteen years, ordering new parts for the appliance warehouse. All day long, entering order numbers and troubleshooting… well, nobody needs any new parts here in heaven! We’re all good as new! But as God’s secretaries, we sure do see our share of troubles from the other side.

It’s fascinating work, alright, sorting through all the prayer requests that come into my section for Foxhole Prayers. People almost always turn to God when they are really desperate, when it’s a life and death sort of thing, and they know their very life depends on Him. Though why so many of them must be down in a foxhole to see this, I’ll never know! Some people live their whole lives without His peace- when God the Father was always only a prayer away.

Still, one moment with Christ in a foxhole, is immensely more valuable than a lifetime spent without Him! Many men have met their Savior in the bottom of a pit. I find great joy in reading God’s answers to these Foxhole Prayers, before I file them into the permanent records. My Heavenly Father is infinitely wise. Who could fathom the depth of His knowledge?

Why, He sees things in the human heart I never knew existed! God knows the consequences of all our actions. He sees the slightest turn in a man’s thoughts – towards God, or away from Him. God’s infinite knowledge stretches across the heavens and all the way to the bottom of a man’s heart! Nothing a man does, or says, or thinks escapes His gaze…nothing!

My department has seen a lot more activity than Connie’s over in the Prayers of the Rich and Famous. The prayers float in slowly over there, but Connie told me about a trend she notices. Sometimes these prayers are almost as desperate as the Foxhole Prayers, as if the person is drowning in his own success. It seems the more some people have, the more restless they become – as if they could scratch and claw their way into heaven. Depending on their willingness to let go, God is very eager to meet their deepest need.

Connie also sees a few outstanding, earnest prayers from people who truly want to use their success to make a Godly difference in the world. While only a few of these prayers trickle in, Connie says the addresses come from all sorts of people – a few athletes, celebrities, and businessmen – even pastors! Her instructions are to always stamp “approved” on these!

Sometimes it’s sad to see the prayers of the Little Guys, who are not the big successes that they want to be. They struggle so to make their mark in the world. That section has many pleas to sort through… Lord bless this, and Lord bless that…it’s perfectly alright to ask our Heavenly Father for blessings of prosperity. Why not?

But every one of the little guys has a sphere of influence, and many of them are already leaving an important mark. They are truly making a difference with their lives that matters for all eternity. They just don’t know it, because they are using the world’s measuring stick. It’s much too short!

I wish everyone who sent prayers to the Little Guys Dept., could see the view from up here. No records are kept on bank accounts, clothing labels or car model parked in the driveway. There aren’t any files to hold diplomas, trophies, promotions, or titles. If only the Little Guys, as well as the Rich and Famous, and the people down in the foxholes could see and understand that God looks upon the heart!

Heavenly records indicate that He hears prayers from all kinds of hearts. Bitter Hearts and Conceited Hearts do not hide from God, and His Holy Spirit pours light into their dark corners. Prayers from Double-Minded Hearts don’t fool God, and His Word penetrates with discerning truth. Sadly, Hardened Hearts do not send prayers to Heaven at all.

Prayers from Anxious Hearts and Troubled Hearts are sent to a department where they are handled very gently and with special care. He sends the Comforter to these weakened hearts, and monitors their progress closely. He never leaves these hearts alone. Their file drawer is left open and active all the time.

Courageous and Faithful Hearts often receive bold answers to their prayers! God delights in answering these… with extra stamps and stickers, bells and whistles! My friends from earth, Ned and Kate, help to keep track of these miracles, and they are happening frequently in their department. Sometimes I wander down there to watch the grand show – it is spectacular!

And God’s mercies truly are new, on earth and in heaven every morning! This is never truer than when prayers arrive from Tender and Repentant Hearts. I have read some of God’s responses, and they are precious words – words of Life! Not one of these prayers has been lost, ever. They get top priority! In fact, they are considered so valuable, that we store them with a universal golden lock and key. This very same key fits into every Christian heart saved by the blood of Christ.

Well, Pastor Kerry was right. We do have jobs in heaven. Ross is really going to love it when he gets here…it’s a thousand times more wonderful than his retirement in Key West. The working conditions and benefits are amazing here. And as if that’s not enough to look forward to, wait until he meets the boss!

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