Not Another Career Advice Article

I’ve been unemployed for awhile now and before you ask, yes I do have targeted cover letters. I also have tailored resumes and I have tried to follow up (next to impossible). I’m so tired of people constantly asking me why I’ m still unemployed (I’m guessing that they haven’t been watching the news). Is it just me or do all the cover letter and resume articles basically sound the same and are also unhelpful?

I’m not here to give any new career advice. I just want to share some of the coping techniques that work for me.

Don’t suffer in silence!

If you’re like me you’re probably feeling a mixture of shame, guilt and frustration. But after going to a recent job fair and seeing thousands of people like me, I realized that I wasn’t alone. Find trusted people that you can vent to, for me it’s my mother and sister. You are not alone so don’t take it personally.

Make a schedule for your day and stick to it!

By planning your day it helps to avoid those periods of panic and hopelessness. Make time for exercise. Learn a new skill (another language, web design, cooking, dancing, etc.). While our priority is to find a job, we have to keep in mind the importance of a healthy mind and body.

Be honest with yourself about your finances!

Don’t be embarrassed or self conscious about utilizing your local food bank or thrift store. If you qualify for unemployment or any other government assistance utilize it. You contributed while you worked right?

Keep positive!

It’s very easy to focus on the negative right now but it’s really not helping anybody. Read that book you’ve been putting off. Light some candles and take a bath. Listen to some music.

I don’t know when things are going to change. But until then I’m going to continue to send out resumes and employ the techniques I outlined above. They’ve helped me and I hope they help you.

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