Not Another Article About Movie Stars!

I don’t know how to use a smart phone and I’m never going to appear on facebook or anything like it. There are some doubts about Hollywood being as important as the troubles my neighbors are facing. The cartoons that have come to life as wrestling shows are the same now as they were when black and white was the only color on color television. I won’t text.

If given a choice between seeing a Tom Cruise movie or waxing my truck, I won’t need any popcorn. How could anyone believe that James McMurtry isn’t better than the Black Eyed Peas? All good Americans hate the Yankees and the Cowboys and the Lakers. Always remember that. America isn’t capable of learning and you can find the proof in the Tea Party.

The regime that got all of us in this mess was from Texas and was controlled by oil. The latest Republican hotshot is from Texas and is controlled by oil. What has America learned?

If our current president were named Lee Johnson and came from a white family with roots in a fundamental church, we would be working our way out of our current problems. Has anyone begun to see what racism is all about and how it can hurt the entire planet? The ignorant and the uncaring have taken over our politics, especially the Republican Party. Abraham Lincoln was our greatest president and probably our greatest citizen. He was a Republican, then. He would be a Democrat today, mostly because he could read.

America’s most visible export has become intolerance. Her most visible pastime has become lying. What would John Steinbeck have written about today? How about Jack London? Why do people listen to Rush Limbaugh but not Rachel Maddow? Rachel uses the truth to make her points.

Never Cry Wolf is a very good movie and no one has ever heard of it. If there’s any oil in Iraq, we’ll never leave. Can anyone be successful without hurting others or is success the reward for being a dick to everyone? I can see no difference between Muamarr Gadaffi and an eye chart. The last time I went to a mall I got drunk there. Another reason to stay away.

There really is a difference in generations, not based solely on how we look. If you’re 23 and reading this, don’t tell your friends. If you’re 64, isn’t life a hoot now? By the time you reach retirement age, if you do, you’ve discarded about a million ideas concerning what’s important. When you get down to just that last true important thing, life has meaning. There is one important thing. That’s all. One. I won’t say what it is, but it doesn’t fit in your wallet.

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