My Conversion from Christ to Wicca

In the many years that I sat in my father’s churches from my childhood to now, I never thought I would change my mind. I was a devout Christian. A pastor’s son, and looked to remain a Christian for the rest of my life. However, I found myself questioning my faith many years ago.

I cite television shows from the 1990’s and early 2000’s for making me curious about the Wiccan way of life. Shows like Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Charmed and Angel to name a few that had magic be the basis of most of the good guys arsenal made me question whether Christianity was the only game in town. I bought my first book on witchcraft when I was in my 20s. The book was Scott Cunningham’s Wicca: A guide for the solitary practitioner. While reading it (though my parents weren’t too happy) I noticed many similarities between Christianity and Wicca. They both believe in a three sided deity. The only difference being that the Wicca believe in a god/goddess/godchild. I was intrigued, but never did anything about my research beyond that. I was just reading about other things in the religious world. My feelings about the church began to change however.

Years began to go by, I got involved in Native American Spirituality as a way to regain my roots, because my family comes from the Penobscot Tribe in Maine. They also believe in a God above all but have many gods and goddesses that also come form the spirits of animals as well as nature. My faith again began to change and again began to think that the church had lied to us as people for a very long time. I mean, even the Catholics believe in a goddess in the form of Mary mother of Christ. I know they won’t admit that, but if you think about it, it is true.

Recently last year, I got involved with my now wife. We went to Salem, Ma. In October and spent the day there. Needless to say, I saw many things that made me change my faith forever. One thing is that Wicca, or witchcraft has never started a war to defend their beliefs. Now this last week, I was sure. I completely converted to Wicca, and I am not going to look back, no matter what my family may say. So I will close this story by saying just this…Blessed be.

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