How to Write Content that Ranks Well on Google

8 Ways to Write Ranking Content

This article will tell you what Google want and how to rank well in Google. All the information covers getting free traffic methods specifically on the content itself


Some say content doesn’t matter that it’s all about traffic, well if your content isn’t good enough to bring natural traffic; it will either not rank or it will lose its rank eventually. This is because no one will link to your content if it’s not high quality. There is only so much back-linking you can do yourself, especially with highly competitive niches.

Word Count

You should be aiming for about 400-700 words per article with exceptions of Recipes, How-To’s (300 words), Google reads this as substantial and informative; therefore increase your chances of better ranking.

If you have more to say make the article in parts: this will result in more page views rather than having a 1500 word article why not make it two or three articles instead.

Keyword Research

The research tool is The Google Adwords Keyword Tool. If Adwords toll hasn’t worked for you there are some paying ones, some say it’s worth the money, before you invest check out what copy blogger has to say.

Keyword Density

Google is smart but you need to give them something to go on because they don’t read you’re content, they only know it’s relevant by checking how many times your keyword appears in the content.

Most good writers do this perfectly well without knowing; I’m not going to mention the keyword density percentage because it will cause the keyword cautious effect and that not going to make writing enjoyable if you’re always worried about how many keywords you have.

Just naturally write and keep it in the back of your mind to refer to your keyword in the first paragraph and in your content a few times.

Be Specific

You have to be specific or you will never succeed this is because sites like Wikipedia will own you on none specific keywords and there will be much more competition. Another reason you should be specific is that you make your content more relevant to your reader.

Use keyword phrases to gain traffic use question marks where necessary and synonyms, also make it an area specific and occupational where it applies.

Content Title

This is a follow up from the last point, your title has to be specific to your content, after all this what the organic search engine reader see first. Make it click-able by making your title interesting. Think to yourself what would you click?

Link to Relevant Sites

Think about it this way, you have a friend that always refers you to the best songs when you talk about music, doesn’t this make your friend a credible person to ask about music? Won’t you tell others that like music about your friend? Well this is how Google sees it too, if you refer to relevant how quality sites, Google is going to think your quality too simple as that.


Content needs to be attractive and there are certain things you can do to make your content more attractive to the reader:

Use list and bullet points where necessary

Emphases on important points by using: Bold, Underlining and Colours

Web design: Which would you rather read an article on Infobarrel or Hubpages? Enough said.

Pictures: make sure you have permission.

Use commas in long paragraphs

You Should Know:

*A good 400-600 word article can rank on its own

*Google will see you as worthy if others do (back links)

*Writing on sites like this is an advantage because Google respects Hubpages as a site therefore you will rank much quicker.

*Make sure your writing sources are accurate, if you use Wikipedia always cross check the facts, anyone can write on Wikipedia.

*SEO does matter, ignore anyone that says otherwise that why Web Content Writing is known as a sub genre of writing as a profession.

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