How to Survive Parenthood the First Year

Being a first time mother is the greatest joy in the world. You and your husband will be so in love with your new baby. Sometimes starting out can be a little frustrating and hard on your marriage. You are running on little or no sleep, overwhelmed and this can lead to the two of you fighting or becoming stressed out. It is really easy to feel alone and say things that you don’t really mean. Here are some ways to help your marriage survive the first few months.

The first thing is to start a schedule for your child. This may seem hard but it will be very beneficial. Setting a schedule will help you mange your time better and eliminate stress. Another idea is setting a bedtime for your child and sticking to it. Once your child is used to this schedule it will be much easier. This will allow for some couple time at the end of each night.

Split up the responsibilies if possible. Whether its cleaning, child duty or who’s going to make dinner, figure out what works best for your family. Keep in mind that you both have different needs. You may want to clean and cook dinner, while he gets baby to bed for the night. Another great idea is to alternate who gets up in the middle of the night for feedings, if possible. This will allow for both parents to get some sleep.

Try not to go to bed mad, sometimes this is easier said than done. If you at least try to solve your problems each night, it will help you sleep better.

I believe one of the most important ways to keep the marriage going is date nights. Take the time to go out together as a couple and also individually. You both need your space, time to yourselves or with friends. Whether this is just a trip to the grocery store or a night out with the girls.

Always remember to talk and be open with your partner. Sometimes the other might not understand that you are upset or why. Lets face it, guys aren’t always on it when it comes to women’s feelings. If you take the time to talk about your day or what’s on your mind, it will help decrease stress and also bring you closer together.

Be patient and enjoy your time with your new baby and your husband.

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