How Lifestyle Changes Prevent Diabetes

When discussing how lifestyle changes prevent diabetes, it is of great importance to know that diabetes is classified into two types: Type 1 occurs when the body is not able to produce enough insulin, while type 2 results due to the resistant of your body cells to insulin. Your body is allowed to use the glucose (sugar) in the blood by a hormone known as insulin. Diabetics’ cells will be starved for energy when there is an increase in the glucose in the blood since they can’t use glucose.Demage to the blood vessels is caused by high glucose levels in the blood.

The risk of developing type 2 diabetes is significantly reduced by certain lifestyle changes according to the World Health Organization. Lifestyle changes lower the risk of diabetes by 57% in high risk adults, and by a whole 72% in adults over 60 years old. It further reports that in 2004,an estimated 3.4 million people died from diabetes related complications.

.It is important to maintain your weight, and regular exercises since these are the main causes of resistance to insulin. Your chances of preventing type 2 diabetes and other lifestyle diseases are high if you don’t gain excess weight by maintaining a proper diet and regular exercises.

Avoid overloading the liver and pancreas by ensuring there is always a constant flow of glucose in your body, and this can be attained by maintaining a proper diet. A healthy breakfast every day is very important since it supplies energy to the body that is essential for its movement. To keep your blood sugar at a constant level, it is advisable to eat small snacks, or meals spread over some intervals.

It is also recommended by health experts to always include snack on fresh vegetables and fruits on your diet. You should look for ideal snack foods such as Crackers and Cheese. Always include foods that offer a longer lasting, timed released stream of glucose, and the blend of proteins and carbohydrates is the best option. The form of protein you choose needs to be easily broken down in the digestive tract. The protein sources incorporated into your diet should not contain cholesterol, and red meat is not recommended.Inorder to keep cholesterol, and your weight down; remember to include fish and seafood because they provide quality protein and omega 3 fatty acids. The body can easily assimilate plant based proteins which can be obtained from soy.

Fresh, or foods cooked from scratch is the best. When preparing foods don’t include excess sugar and sodium, and always use spices. Salt is not recommended because it contains excess sodium which hinders the regulation of blood pressure. The much healthier methods of cooking are: Boiling, grilling, and stewing meats and vegetables since the majority of food nutrients are retained by these methods.

Avoid foods that contain excess fat, and use of butter and oils should be reduced. It is advisable to cook and prepare salads using olive oil. It is healthy to drink skim milk, or less than 5% of milk. You need to add a small percentage of fat cheese to salads, and baked dishes.

Whole grain foods should be included in your diet since they contain minerals, vitamins and fiber which are essential for keeping the digestive tract functioning efficiently ,as well as controlling cholesterol levels.

It is not easy to change your diet. It requires some sacrifice since it isn’t easy to eliminate foods we enjoy. Eating foods we enjoy occasionally after establishing healthy eating patterns and exercises routinely is not discouraged.

Diabetes can be prevented from occurring when you learn what foods can keep blood sugar stabilized when you eat.Diabetes, heart and kidney problems occur due to breakage of the body organs after sometime since the organs of the body find it hard when blood sugar is unstable. You can prevent diabetes by following these simple instructions
Diabetes resources at Live
Food calorie counter.
World Health Organization
What you can do.

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