Growing the Chalk Maple

The chalk maple, otherwise known as Acer leucoderme or Acer saccharum var. eucoderme, is native to the United States. A perennial tree, it is distributed throughout Alabama, Arkansas, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas.

Chalk Maple Description

The chalk maple is a variation of the sugar maple and typically will get to 25 feet in height. It has two or three trunks. Chalky bark is attractive when mature. Leaves are yellow-green and give great fall color as they turn. The foliage is palmately divided, opposite, and either toothed or coarse. Flowers are bell-like and have a yellow calyx. It blooms in clusters in early spring. It is a smaller tree with a round crown and slender branches.

Growing Guide

Acer leucoderme prefers to grow in partial shade and a dry well-drained soil. The brighter the sunlight the more water it will need. Propagate by seeds that are in samaras. Seeds will need two to three months of cold stratification for proper germination. It tends to grow in streams and riverbanks, preferring the rich moist soil there. While it is planted as a shade tree in the Southeast United States, it is rare to see them around otherwise. The names come from the whitish bark. It is hardy in USDA hardiness zones of 5b through 8b.


Native to North America, this tree is free of major pests and diseases and has little invasive potential. Most native plants fall into this category as they need less to survive and are generally more hardy in nature than introduced varieties.

Chalk maples make for a nice little shade tree that will provide attractive fall color. With this combination, it makes a good addition next to porches and patios, along trails, or as a decorative touch next to a fence.

Source: NPIN, Chalk Maple

eNature, Chalk Maple

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