Get the Grade!

Every semester scores of students find out that they are a few points away from their desired grade. Are you supposed to sit back and settle with the grade? No! The following outline is a tried and true method of getting your professor or professor’s assistant to give you those extra points you obviously deserve. Copy and fill out this outline and either email it or type it out as a letter to give to your instructor.

Professor __________,

My name is _________ and I am in your __________ class. I have worked really hard not to put myself in this position but unfortunately I have fallen a few points short of my goal. Grades have recently been posted and I am only ___ points away from an _. Throughout the course of the class I have met every deadline, accurately completed everything in the syllabus, and taken every assignment seriously. I realize that the difference between an -__ and a __ is not that much but it will help my GPA and chances of getting into graduate school tremendously. If it is at all possible, could you promote me up to an __? I will do any extra credit or assignment necessary. If you cannot do this, I completely understand and have enjoyed learning about __________ this semester.



Note: You can’t lose by trying this. If the professor says “no” then you are in the same position that you are in now. If your professor says “yes” then you now can brag to all your friends and have a better grade.

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