Family Hand Print Patchwork Quilt

Some people think about making a patchwork quilt, and they cut out lots of quilt blocks, but they never end up making the quilt. Others decide to make a quilt and they do so. Whether you have intentions of making a quilt sometime in the future, or you’re anxious to get started right away, you’ll love an adorable hand print patchwork quilt with your family’s markings. Stamp hand prints from kids, adults – even the dog – to make the unique quilt you desire.

Cut large blocks for the quilt and make them all the same size. The blocks should be big to accommodate even the largest hands in the family. The fabric blocks can be different colors; no matter what colors you use you’ll be able to see the hand prints. However, stay with cloth that has a solid pattern. Cut enough blocks to make the length and width you want for the quilt.

Use fabric paint to stamp hand prints onto the quilt. You can stamp everyone’s hands now, and when the paint is dry, assemble the quilt. Or, get a hand print or two on quilt blocks now, and as more members are added to the family, more hand prints can be added to the collection of stamped blocks. With the second scenario, you can make the quilt years from now, if you want. Another option is to sew the quilt up without hand prints – or with just a few – and, later, you can stamp more hand prints on. With this choice, you can get prints of your kids as babies, as teens, and as adults.

To actually apply the hand prints to the quilt squares, dispense some fabric paint onto a paper plate, then dip the hand in it. Spread the fingers out somewhat and set the hand into the paint. Gently scrape the excess paint off of the hand by sliding it across the edge of the plate as you remove your hand. Tip: Choose a light color of paint to stamp on dark fabric and a dark color of paint for light fabric.

As you stamp the hand on the quilt block make sure you don’t move the hand or the fabric. Stamp straight down, pushing gently, then pull the hand away by going straight up with it. Stamp as many blocks as you want; not every quilt block has to have a hand print.

When you are ready to assemble the quilt, cut a piece of cloth for the backing, and a piece of batting for inside. Place the quilt and backing together so that their right sides are facing each other, lay the batting on top, then sew around the perimeter. Leave a small opening where you can turn the quilt right-side-out, and after doing that, sew the opening shut.

The hand print quilt is more than just a pretty patchwork quilt – even though it is that. It’s also a recording of your family, a cherished keepsake, and a genuine work of love.

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