Energy What is It?

Many ask – what is the difference between energy and power. When we speak of energy, we straight away think of things that happen. Energy is clearly the capacity to do work.

Forms of Energy

· light energy · electrical · heat energy · sound energy · kinetic energy · potential energy · chemical energy.

Light energy is obtained from the sun’s energy to make plants grow. Light produces a photographic film in order for us to see.

Electrical energy is yet a different type of energy. Electrical energy creates light and runs computers, motors, televisions, washing machines and other household appliances in the home.

Heat energy is yet another kind of energy source. The sun in our solar system produces a radiant heat which causes our weather patterns. Heat energy also runs cars through combustion process. Heat helps us to cooks food and it also warms our home in cold weather.

Sound energy is caused by vibrations which disperse through the air. The sounds you hear are vibration wave which make your ears drum vibrate and in turn it makes the 3 minute bones in the ear to shake. If you were place in a vacuum you would not be able to hear the sound.

Kinetic energy or movement energy can be witnessed by the wind. The wind powers sailing boats that help them sail the seas. It also provides the energy to turn windmills. Kinetic energy provides the energy to move the water which turns the turbines to produce electricity.

Potential energy is regularly known as stored energy – an case in point is shown with a stretch rubber band has potential energy because when released it will move, in other word it has the potential to move when released. The potential energy in the rubber band case has transformed from potential energy (stored) kinetic energy (movement) when released.

Chemical energy is store up in food and this stored up chemical energy when you consume the food provides the nutrient to maintain growth, repair skin cells if you scratch yourself. Chemical energy is also found in fossil fuels. Fossil fuel which has store chemical energy when produces electricity

What else is there to know about energy?

The Law of Conservation of Energy states the total amount of energy is fixed – in other words it cannot be created or destroyed

Power what is it?

Power is the speed at which energy is used. Power is measured in Joules per second or watts as in lights. A 100 watts light globe uses 100 joules of energy per second or a 60 watt globe use 60 joules of energy per second.

The meter in your house measure electrical energy in kilowatts per hour – one kilowatt is 1000 watts used for one hour. A power station is measured in megawatts where one megawatt is 1 million watts.

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