Drugs and Alcohol Will Lead You Away from God

Now listen! Drugs and alcohol make you feel good, forget your worries and gain confidence for a few hours-until the comedown or hangover leaves you feeling worse than before! Most teachers and parents say,” don’t do it” but maybe many of your friends are doing it. Well, what does God say about it?

Alcohol is about the only drug that the bible mentions but it clearly teaches us not abuse substances (Ephesians 5:18).Romans13:2 also tells us not to break the law. Alcohol and drugs are normally against the law for teens but why does God say it’s wrong? It’s one of the “fruitless deeds of darkness” (Ephesians5:11)In other words, it’s something that doesn’t help you become more like Jesus. It blows your opportunity to share Christ with those who are still in the darkness (Ephesians5:15).If you tell them you’re a Christian, and a staunch member of fellowships and they see you stagger home sometimes, they won’t take you serious and you’ll have ruined Christ’s testimony.

It leads to sexual sin(Ephesians 5:18) meaning it blurs your perception and self control, causing you to say and do things that are displeasing to God , hurtful to you and others and possibly threatening your life with Aids.

God wants you to be controlled by his spirit rather than a substance (ephesians5:18).He can give you greater satisfaction than any drink or drug can (Ephesians 5:18)-without bad after-effects! He doesn’t want to ruin your fun. He wants to give you real joy and not quick thrills!

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