Diabetes Care- How to Manage Adult Incontinence

Incontinence products can make managing incontinence much easier and can give you back some of your dignity. Individuals diagnosed with diabetes often deal with other health conditions, incontinence being one of them. One of the main reasons why doctors think individuals with diabetes are developing incontinence problems is due to the amount of excessive weight on their bladder. Many individuals with diabetes are obese and this excess pressure pushes down on the bladder and can cause incontinence to occur. You will need to meet with your doctor in order to be sure that this what is behind your incontinence problem and if losing weight can help. There may be other reasons as well and your doctor will be able to help you identify the causes and will be able to help you understand which incontinence products will give you the best possible care and solution for your needs.

Loss of nerve functioning is another common reason why people with diabetes will end up dealing with incontinence. Most of the individuals with nerve damage will suffer from urge incontinence. Urge incontinence is a little harder to manage from stress incontinence because you have no sensation that you need to urinate and you have a harder time controlling the bladder. With stress incontinence you often urinate a little bit when you laugh, cough, sneeze, or just place a little extra pressure on the bladder. Many of the stress incontinence products can be used with your regular underwear if you do not have a lot of urine loss throughout the day. However urinary incontinence products are beneficial to anyone that has urine loss throughout the day. Diabetics need to seek medical treatment for incontinence in order to be sure they are not having further nerve damage. If this happens you may end up with overflow incontinence, which requires incontinence supplies that are very padded and will absorb the entire urine a bladder will release. In many cases the bladder will constantly release urine throughout the day and it never truly empties itself. Adult diapers can help you in this case as you may find that no matter how many times you use the restroom your bladder is still going to release urine throughout the day and night.

Individuals suffering from urine loss at night need to consider purchasing incontinence bed pads. The bed pads will protect your mattress from urine that can leak onto it through the night. People using adult diapers at night can improve this as well because the diapers should be able to capture all of the urine loss through the night. Make getting to the restroom as easy as possible. If your bedroom is far away from the bathroom it may be a smart idea to consider investing in a portable potty. Placing this in the bedroom can help you to at least get to the toilet quickly if your bladder does start to relive itself. Incontinence products like a portable toilet can make your life much easier and less embarrassing for you to deal with as well.

Diabetics need to make sure they are managing their blood sugar correctly. It is vital that you understand your blood glucose levels and maintain them to decrease your issues with incontinence. Your doctor will be able to help you work out an exercise program that will benefit your issues with incontinence. Losing weight helps with your blood glucose but it really helps to remove the extra pressure on your bladder that may be causing you to have urinary incontinence problems.

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