Cranberries–Good for Your Health

Cranberries have been used for centuries to treat urinary tract infections. Cranberries contain a compound which inhibits bacteria from growing. Not only can cranberries help with killing the bacteria that creates a urinary tract infection but may also aid in guarding your body against bacteria that causes stomach ulcers and periodontal gum disease.

Antioxidants which are compounds naturally made by the body and/or ingested that has the ability to help prevent disease and cranberries are loaded with them. Antioxidant levels in cranberries help play a role and may guard your body from heart disease and some forms of cancer.

Cranberry juice contains another compound that may aid in keeping bacteria that causes dental plaque at bay. Dental plaque can become a serious health issue as that is the primary cause of periodontal disease.

Peptic ulcers may be caused by bacteria and cranberries may help prevent that bacteria. Peptic ulcers are very common but can also lead into other health disorders and diseases Controlling the bacteria is key and cranberries can help fight off the bacteria before it has a chance to develop into a more serious illness.

Cranberries contain flavonoids that can help guard your heart from disease. Cranberries can help lower your bad cholestorol, decrease angina and guard against blood clots and heart attacks.

Cranberries are now being linked to anti-aging skin care products and bath soaps. I personally have not tried any of these products but do know that many fruit extracts are very beneficial to the appearance of the skin. I always prefer to take mine internally that way I get both the benefits inside and out.

Whether you drink the juice, eat them fresh or dried cranberries are an addition your should consider. I drink cranberry juice daily to help with UTI’s and am very happy with the results.

Cranberries can help guard your body against infection which means less trips to the doctor and less antibiotics in your system. Discuss with your physician how cranberries may benefit you and your health.

Eat Your Way Healthy

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