Clean Sweep: Getting the Whole Family Involved in Housework

It’s true that, with each new family member, the house “grows” by another two feet – but so do the messes. At some point, everyone’s going to have to pitch in to get the house looking spic and span. It’s easier said than done… but with a few tricks, you can make it simple and fun.

Here’s how we make it work at my house, with a family of five all doing their part to clean up our home.

Whose Job is It, Anyway?

Draw up chore charts and post them where everyone can see them. You don’t have to spend a penny to do this. You can print one out on the computer, or even recycle an old toy chalkboard. However you choose to do it, make sure there’s enough space for everyone’s name, and a clear description of the jobs that need doing. In our house, the same jobs are always listed, but they are assigned to different family members each week.

Each of our children is given a different color, and each week, we change the colors of the checkmarks next to the jobs. For example, one week, sinks are washed by the person whose star is blue, and garbage is collected by the person with the green star. Once we see that the job is finished to our satisfaction, the stars are switched for the following week.

Musical Chores

When it’s chore day, music makes the work seem fun! At my house, the playlist is called “Musical Chores” and everyone gets a say in what songs make the list. When the music starts playing, everyone gets down to business. On more than one occasion, it’s led to hysterical photos as Dad’s vacuuming while belting out Jimmy Buffett songs or the kids are dancing to “Animal” by the Neon Trees while they mop the bathroom floor.

Bucket List

The tools needed for each job are easily accessible and each job has its own bucket with the tools needed to do that particular job. This way, when it’s time to get to work, no one’s running around, asking what to do and how to do it.

It’s also a good way to keep cleaning supplies neat and orderly, and makes it easy to keep track of supplies that need replacing. Make sure the tasks are age-appropriate and don’t allow young children to use chemical cleaners. Also, make sure everyone follows safety rules while cleaning.

Rewards for Jobs Well Done

We have designated certain jobs that are mandatory – everyone who lives here participates – and others that can be done to earn allowance. When the mandatory work is completed, the reward is one for the whole family: we’ll go out for ice cream, play a game or rent a movie. The rule is that we all go together, and it doesn’t happen until all the chores are completed.

It’s important that everyone takes part in keeping the house clean and orderly. You’ll encourage healthy habits and responsible behavior in your children, and give them valuable organization skills. The trips to the ice cream parlor are just a bonus.

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