Causes of Dizziness During Exercise

Experiencing dizziness while exercising can be frightening and disconcerting. It is important to not panic, and to seek medical advice right away, as some causes of dizziness during exercise can be life threatening. As with any signal from the body that something is wrong, experiencing dizziness during exercise is a symptom of any number of diseases or conditions. Pinning down the cause is the first step toward managing the underlying issue.

There are three types of dizziness. Vertigo (when you feel like you’re still moving even when you are perfectly still), pre-syncope (feeling faint), and disequilibrium (loss of balance). Each is a possibility during exercise as they each have different underlying causes that will be impacted by exercise.

So, what are the causes of dizziness during exercise? These are listed in order of minor to the most extreme and potentially life threatening.

Anxiety. While exercise is ideal for mitigating anxiety, it nonetheless may combine with the stress of exercise to bring on dizziness.

Medications. Some medications can have side effects that include dizziness. The body is under stress during exercise, which may exacerbate these side effects.

Loss of fluid. Sweating, as uncomfortable as it may seem, is the body’s way of cooling itself. It is when you stop sweating that you are in danger of being severely dehydrated. Being thirsty is not life threatening, but severe dehydration is. Plain old water is the best means of keeping hydrated, with frequent and regular intake of water the best means of preventing dehydration.

Joint and muscle problems. Arthritis and tears to the muscles can cause a sensation of balance loss, particularly when the weight-bearing joints are being challenged, as during exercise.

Inner ear inflammation or infection. It is possible to have inner ear issues and not be aware of them. Often it is a precursor to the sneezing, congestion, and stuffiness of a sinus infection or cold. A build up of fluid in the inner ear can throw off ones balance or give the sensation of losing one’s balance while in motion.

Circulatory system problems. A sudden loss of blood pressure, an abnormal heart rhythm, a decrease of blood flow from the heart, and undetected heart problems can cause a feeling of faintness, especially during exercise when the heart is most challenged.

A far rarer, though equally concerning cause of dizziness during exercise, is brain related problems such as stroke, tumors, or Parkinson’s. Diabetes, Meniere’s disease, and benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (positional vertigo or BPPV) can also cause dizziness.

Dizziness during exercise is never the primary problem; it is a symptom of more serious underlying issues. While it may be unwise to jump to conclusions about why you are experiencing dizziness, it is important to seek medical assistance in order to uncover the real problem.


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