Can Cats Be Left Alone for Long?

Cats do not need to be walked or cared for in the same way as dogs. In fact, many pet owners prefer to own cats, as they are more independent and can fend for themselves much of the time without having to rely too much on their owners for attention. But can cats be left alone for long? What should pet owners be aware of when leaving cats alone for any length of time?

Cats Still Need Some Companionship

Even though cats often appear aloof and distant that does not mean to say they do not need any companionship or contact with their owners or the outside world. Do not underestimate the security that your cat draws from knowing you are just in the next room if he needs you, or from seeing your car pull into the driveway after a long day at the office. Going away for a brief overnight trip is one thing, but when you plan to be gone for weeks, possibly even months, your cat will start to miss you and pine for you.

If you are planning a lengthy absence from your cats, keep an article of clothing behind for them so that they can draw comfort from it and make sure you arrange for a pet sitter, a friend or a close family member to stop by to check up on them on a regular basis.

Protect Cats from Extreme Weather Conditions

Cats are adaptable animals and can often cope well during extreme weather conditions. They can seek shade when it is too hot or burrow under a blanket when they need to keep warm. But if you will be leaving them alone for a few days, you should take necessary steps to protect them from extreme cold or heat.

Set the thermostat before you leave so that the inside air temperature is at a comfortable level for your cats. Or if you do not want to do that, turn on ceiling fans to keep the home cool and provide blankets for your cats during colder weather conditions.

Make Sure Cats Have Sufficient Supplies of Food, Water and Litter

Whenever you plan to leave cats for any length of time, it is important to ensure that they have sufficient supplies of food, water and litter, so that they do not run out of any basic supplies. Fill up an auto feeder and waterer before you leave so that your cats will stay nourished while you are gone. It is also worth shopping around for an automatic litter tray, which will scoop and keep the cats’ room fresh and clean.

Cats can get by for a few days on their own, provided they have sufficient food, water and clean litter, but they do still require attention and should not be left alone for very long. Before you decide to leave for any length of time, make plans for your cats so that they are not left alone for long. If you will not be back to see them for a week or more, arrange for a pet sitter or friend to stop by at least once a day to spend time with them and to check to see they have everything they need.

More from this contributor:

How to Keep the Cat’s Room Sanitary.

How to Reconnect with your Cat After a Lengthy Absence.

Pet Product Review: Auto Feeder and Auto Waterer by Van Ness.

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