Boneset and Its Herbal Healing Uses

Latin name: Eupatorium perfoliatum

Common name(s): Agueweed, Crossword, Feverwort, Indian Sage, Sweating Plant, Teasel, Thoroughwort and Wood Boneset.

Boneset stimulates the white blood cells to consume more foreign agents effecting the body so it good for fighting off infectious diseases. Boneset was once one of the most popular remedies for treating colds and fever before the wide spread use of aspirin. During the Civil War troops were given Boneset infusions when they fell victim to fevers but they were also given Boneset tonics regularly to keep them healthy.

It is an excellent tonic for the bowels, liver, stomach and uterus. It works great in the treatment of colds, cough and fevers. Boneset can be used to aid in digestion with those individuals who suffer from indigestion disorders and problems. It works great in the expelling of mucus from the body according to ‘Using Plants for Healing’ by Nelson Coon.

Boneset is a perennial that is clump forming with downy erect stems that are reddish in color. It has light green palmate lobed leaves and in the summer it blooms white flowers that are quite often tinged with purple or mauve-pink or even purple flowers in dense flat topped corymbs. The parts of the plant that are used in herbal healing are the flowers and leaves.

Boneset is an analgesic, antipyretic, aperitive, bitter, diaphoretic, emetic, febrifuge and stimulant. Boneset is a slightly aromatic bitter sweet herb that stimulates the immune system. It stops the growth of tumors however it does contains pyrrolizidine alkaloids which may cause damaged to the liver so use in small does for short periods of time.

Boneset also makes a great insect repellant for pets. It works great for healing skin diseases especially those that produce sores and ulcers of the skin. When it is drunk in the form of a herbal tea it works great in boosting energy in the body and relieving constipation too. It may get its name ‘Boneset’ because works so great in treating the flu which is an ailment that causes severe body aches right down to the bone.

Boneset can be used to treat any of the following:

Arthritis, asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, chills, colds, constipation, coughs, encephalitis, fevers, flu, indigestion disorders and problems, jaundice, liver disorders and problems, malaria, measles, mumps, muscle, pain, rheumatism, respiratory problems, rocky mountain spotted fever, scarlet fever, sore throat, tonic, typhoid fever, ulcers, uterus disorders, worms and yellow fever.

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